Howdy Doo? – IOTW Report

Howdy Doo?

ht/ jerry manderin

21 Comments on Howdy Doo?

  1. A lesson I was taught when a young boy is just because I could do something did not mean it was a good idea that I should do it.
    Many things have become legal to be done, but they are still immoral and should not be done. Or it just lacks common sense.

  2. Used a men’s room three times. Most memorable time was, many years ago, when the ladies room was out of order at a welcome center. I asked the deskman how long it would be and he had no clue.

    I then asked if he could please stop the men from going in while the long line of women used it for the next five minutes. He looked at me dumbfounded and didn’t do anything.

    Looking at the line of women who had their legs crossed, I said “I’m going in, who’s coming in with me.” A group of young women followed me in. Some poor guy at a urinal said, “I don’t know what’s happening, but I think I like it.” The women all laughed, we did our thing, washed our hands and left. Unfortunately, there was a line of old ladies still standing with their legs crossed, never realizing they will be wetting their britches soon.

    I don’t regret what I did.

  3. GEEZ — Why would any woman or man sit on a urinal that 25 guys just pee-d on? I don’t call that equality, it’s stupid and Disgusting … use a stall if you’re gonna sit and even then look at the seat, it’s probably wet, filthy or both.

  4. Lazlo
    May 17, 2016 at 4:41 pm

    That employee should be fired.
    He should have up-sold her a funnel so she could stand and use the urinal correctly.


    Lazlo, I think she’s taking a crap! 🙂

  5. I… I don’t think the dumb bitch realized what a urinal is and just thought that men had ‘special’ toilets bc ‘male privilege’ or whatever. Seriously, I didn’t know what they were until I was like 15 and was watching my brother play splinter cell 3 or whatever. She looks young enough to be naive about it.

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