‘However Much You Hate Democrats, It’s Not Enough.’ – IOTW Report

‘However Much You Hate Democrats, It’s Not Enough.’


If Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address didn’t make you hate that man and his party, nothing will and you are lost. It was a speech that would have been right at home in Nuremberg in 1933, full of division and demonizations directed toward half the country which that senile piece of garbage dared to end by calling for unity. Sorry, you post-digested food exit port, you and your Brownshirts can go straight to hell. No matter how disgusted you are by these people, it is not enough. No matter how much you hate them, they hate you more, and however much animosity and contempt you can hold them in, it is not nearly enough. MORE

ht/ NAAC.

29 Comments on ‘However Much You Hate Democrats, It’s Not Enough.’

  1. Didn’t watch his “speech.”
    Refuse to listen to Evil.
    I’m sure it was every bit as hateful as everyone claims.

    I just can’t figure out what God wants us (Americans) to do about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The whole Laken Riley part was completely unscripted, and a huge departure from his planned speech. He only did it because MTG confronted him earlier and pressed that token into his hand. Biden revealed way too much in his comments, that people paid thousands to coyotes to get them across the border, knowing they would be released into USA and would have several years here, then a chance to become a citizen. The silent part out loud, as it were. And he got huge backlash the next day.

  3. And we the normal God fearing, Constitution loving American citizens who still believe in freedom and liberty and justice for all are the ones called fascists. I hate the left! The bastards on the left are true fascists and have been so since the time of Mussolini and Hitler in the 1930’s and 40’s until we destroyed them in World War 2. Only to come back and rear their ugly, anti-God, anti-American ideologies in the late 60’s which has grown full bloom to its hideous monstrosity now with the democraps and their sychophant allies in the media, hollyweird, academia etc. into modern all out total fascism. Fuck the left and FJB!

  4. “And he got huge backlash the next day.”

    In the form of a bespectacled black fag giving him a do-over, rehab, softball interview. Biden was on a whole different drug regimen for that mess.

    I reckon they’ll have him speedballing for the debate. Assuming there’s a debate, and he’s the one debating Trump.

  5. I want my $400/month for buying a home in 2000 when interest rates were 7.85%.

    I want my $10k or $20k for my paid off student loans.

    I want to know how Joeky is going to stop corporations from shrinking their products as a direct result from out of control government spending.

    The real travesty we face as a family is having to afford almost $600/month for the lowest tier health insurance tax we can possibly get that comes with a $18k deductible. Fucking pointless bullshit. Yet this retard and his goons wants to expand that tax. I’d be able to afford a lot more smaller chip bags.

  6. Hey ecp, almost didn’t read your comment because, well, it looked like you were beginning to tell me how I could earn those dollars – from home – in my spare time.

  7. What a perfect, evergreen, headline. It could stand by itself, with no story or further evidence at all, and be as true a hundred years from now as it is today and has been for the last two hundred years!

  8. The democraps convention in Chicago in August is going to be 1968 redux on malevolent, evil steroids. And there is no Mayor Daley and his cops who will stand up to their terrorist tactics and beat the hell out of them like they did in 68.

  9. @ Cmn¢¢guy Monday, 11 March 2024, 9:54 at 9:54 am,
    What was that skinny little Cracker doing in the jungle? WTF! I will put her on my prayer list.


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