How’s Your Day Going? – IOTW Report

How’s Your Day Going?

From Col. Angus-

Poor bastard just starting his day, old folks turn in front of him, crashes and winds up with truck across train tracks, then watches as a Santa Fe locomotive mows through his truck at full throttle.Β  – Col. Angus

Video HERE

18 Comments on How’s Your Day Going?

  1. In absolute terms, my day has been pretty good. In relative terms compared to those poor Texans, my day was absolutely superb.

    It may be a while before I gripe about having a bad day. All I’ll have to do is think of this sad story.

  2. An excellent day, I wasn’t mugged, stabbed, shot, no immigrants, swat teams, DHS, DOJ, FBI, IRS were knocking at my door.
    Ia America Great of what?
    Tomorrow is another day.

  3. Reminded me of a HS friend whose sister and her boyfriend tried to beat a train to the crossing and didn’t make it. I haven’t thought of that in years, that video lit off an old memory.


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