HR 3134 Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 – IOTW Report

HR 3134 Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015

To provide for a moratorium on Federal funding for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.


The bill is sponsored by Representative Diane Black (R-TN) and it detaches PP funding from other appropriations, so the fight over defunding the baby butchers won’t shut down the government.

I suggest sending an e-mail to your congressional representative to back this bill.


The one down side, it only defunds PP for one year. The next bill should ban the government from ever funding them again.

13 Comments on HR 3134 Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015

  1. It’s detached so that it will need 60 votes to overcome a Senate fillibuster. Attached to a spending bil, it only needs 51. If Republicans wanted to defund PP, they would have done it in the 6 years they controlled the House, Senate, and White House. Jan 2001 thru Jan.2007. Remember…It took James O’Keefe’s videos to get ACORN defunded. Republicans funded them, and La Raza, and a dozen Leftist activist groups every year.

  2. LIke others have said. They needed to attach to another important spending bill. That would be the only possible way to ever achieve this. Ted Cruz tried to do it. And then they made a big display of turning it down and laughing at him. Then jonie earnst tried to get a separate bill, like this one, as a pretend fight. She was one of the people who turned down cruz’s ammendment.

    They are playing us all for suckers and they are so smug and contemtable about it. Probably laughing at us while they’re getting drunk.

    I don’t know if trump is playing us and won’t do the things he says he’ll do, but he’s the only chance we got. Because we know for a fact that all the rest are enemies of anyone who really wants to get any of the conservative agenda passed. Except cruz. And he’s just too darn weak to get anything done.

  3. Shall we wait for the ball less wonders (boehner and mcCONell) to do what’s right?
    We’ve been waiting since 2014…..and nothing but capitulation to obama’s imperial Marxist agenda and attacking Conservatives.
    I’m tired of the grade school games.

  4. Sent to my RINO Rep (thanks for the info).

    How RINO is he?
    He’s SO RINO, that, after one 2-year term, he isn’t running again, because he thinks, with the aid of the Florida GOPe, he can win the GOP nomination for Florida Governor.

    Why, yes, he IS an A§$H*LE.

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