HS student slapped with 2 counts of battery for stealing classmate’s MAGA hat, hitting teacher – IOTW Report

HS student slapped with 2 counts of battery for stealing classmate’s MAGA hat, hitting teacher


BPR: A student at Union Mine High School in El Dorado, California, was arrested after stealing a “Make America Great Again” hat off a classmate’s head and then slapping her teacher as he escorted her from the classroom.

Jo-Ann Butler, 17, became enraged after seeing a classmate wearing a MAGA hat, so she violently yanked it off his head and then hit her teacher when he intervened. “That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” Butler told CBS News.

Butler is now facing two counts of battery — one against her classmate and another against her teacher. She was also suspended from school for a week.

Jo-Ann justified her assault by saying Trump supporters need a wake-up call because she won’t tolerate them wearing MAGA hats in her presence.

“Maybe just wake people up in some type of way, because it’s not cool the environment our classroom is in,” Butler said.

Jo-Ann’s father, Chris Butler, did not seem bothered by his daughter’s violence and thievery, presumably because he influenced her political views.

“I don’t agree with grabbing someone’s hat and verbally talking to them in that way,” Butler said. “But as far as the issue being brought up, maybe this is something that needs to be brought up.”

The El Dorado Union High School district’s clothing policy allows students to wear political symbols, so Jo-Ann Butler’s victim did nothing wrong by wearing a MAGA hat in class.

As of this morning, CNN and MSNBC have not reported this news.  more here

27 Comments on HS student slapped with 2 counts of battery for stealing classmate’s MAGA hat, hitting teacher

  1. “I don’t agree with grabbing someone’s hat and verbally talking to them in that way,” Butler said. “But as far as the issue being brought up, maybe this is something that needs to be brought up.”

    But I my daughter doing it is awesome, ’cause we’re totally better than you.

  2. “But as far as the issue being brought up, maybe this is something that needs to be brought up.”

    The “issue” is the violent nature of your political beliefs.

  3. Just who in the hell made this little twit judge and jury? She, and I use the term loosely, has the right to opine her stance but not to physically attack anyone. We have way too much of this kind of stuff going on. Sooner or later someone has to figure out how we can return to civility.
    Too much Dr. Spock and not enough paddling’s has resulted in a generation of pussyhat wearing fools. Yes, that includes you Hogg.

  4. She is now reaping the results of her choice of actions that not only include the legal system, but public opinion as well, including her unfortunate face. Suicide to follow and Trump to be blamed. You know. For MAGA.

  5. I posted on the original thread that I had done some poking around and that she was being charged with two counts of Battery. I checked with a detective I know. He told me she was as combative with the Sheriffs as she was in class. A true Social Justice Warrior.

  6. This is EXACTLY the kind of person we should all be worried about shooting up the school over their very certain political beliefs. I wonder what dad and mom would have to say, then?

    I watched her on camera and she just kept repeating the line “Racist and hateful symbol” like a zombie. This is not a popular girl in school and now she’s funneled all that pent up rejection into a popular cause. Tick. Tick. Tick.

  7. MJA — Absolutely! I really think so. I’m sure there have been some families of kids at that school who have voiced the same concern. I know I would.

    And her dad! I’d bet real money they sat around the table eating their cornflakes and laughing about her going to school and assaulting (although they wouldn’t have used that word) someone for supporting Trump. This is the second story in as many weeks where a father used their kid to seek revenge on a Trump supporter.

  8. ” This is the second story in as many weeks where a father used their kid to seek revenge on a Trump supporter.”

    That won’t fly in this county. They don’t call Placerville “Hang Town” for no reason.

  9. OK, so here’s the plan…we all wear MAGA hats to bait leftist prog knuckleheads (sorry for the redundancy) into assaulting us. Do NOT fight back. Let the Prog get arrested for assault and get charged with a felony. They then lose their right to vote. Rinse, repeat. In a few months there will not be a single prog left who can vote. Who’s with me!

  10. Well, looks like at some point one of these idiot SJW types is gonna choose the wrong MAGA hat to knock off and get themselves pummeled. I’d like to think that when that happens the AntiFa lite crowd will back off, but they won’t. They are shooting for full brown shirt status.


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