HS Students Push Back Over “Woke” Bathroom Policy – IOTW Report

HS Students Push Back Over “Woke” Bathroom Policy

Hundreds of Pennsylvania high school students staged a walkout after their school district said transgender students may use any restroom they want.

Any restroom they want?”

Why would that be? Are they girls or guys? Why wouldn’t anyone be allowed to use any bathroom they wanted?

ht/ jd hasty

12 Comments on HS Students Push Back Over “Woke” Bathroom Policy

  1. Good for those 300 + students who walked out to protest allowing transgender students to use whatever bathroom that they prefer. I hope and pray that these courageous students got the attention of the schoolboard and not the very small handful of freaks who seemingly might have more rights than the majority of these sane students protesting this idiotic policy. HS students have the right to use the bathrooms assigned to their gender only and not for the freaks. If push comes to shove, make freak restrooms for freaks only and only one for them and make it as far away as it can possibly get from the other restrooms only. Or assign a porta potty for freaks only, preferably outdoors.

  2. I have been hearing from a friend whose wife is a teacher that a lot of the high school age boys are well beyond completely fed the fuck up with the woke horse shit. They are openly rebelling right here in metropolitan western Washington. School has been back in session for a month and she is saying that the principal at the school she teaches at is concerned that there is buildup to a full on riot.

  3. In the early 90’s high tech Seattle there was a transgender guy to girl working at the company I was at. They build him/her a bathroom. They didn’t go in ours and we didn’t go in his/hers. Why is that not an acceptable solution now a decade+ later unless there is a devious reason to oppose it.

  4. @ Illustr8r WEDNESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023, 17:24 AT 5:24 PM

    They are coming right out and saying they have had enough of being told what they can think. They are sick and tired of being told what opinions they can hold. They have come right out and said they are done being manipulated and used to advance a worldview/political philosophy they are adamantly opposed to.

    They are completely fed up with the status quo and there are way more of them than the idiots running the indoctrination centers had the first clue existed.

  5. The closest that we ever got to a walkout in HS was just after Kent State in 1970 when I was a Junior in HS. A lot of the students wore black armbands and had “They shoot students don’t they” written with black magic markers on white T shirts the next day. And some students with white t shirts with bullseye targets emblazoned in red on the front. The school administration and especially our prick Vice Principal was not amused, he threatened us all with detention and other bullshit corrective measures. But there were far more of us protesting this and he had to back down.

  6. Then why bother maintaining separate bathrooms?
    Just spread hay on the floor, maybe install a bathtub like in ancient stadiums, or simple holes in the floor like the mooslimbs enjoy.
    Go full on regression of civilization in celebration of both Diversity and Stoopidity !!


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