Huckabee: Defund United Nations — Use Money for Veterans Benefits – IOTW Report

Huckabee: Defund United Nations — Use Money for Veterans Benefits

Breitbart: Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) was asked about U.S. federal funding for the United Nations, which has come under fire by many domestically for a Security Council resolution condemning the nation of Israel for building settlements in disputed territories.

Huckabee suggested the monies allocated from the United States for the United Nations should be taken away and given to veterans that served under the U.S. flag.

Partial transcript as follows:

ERIC BOLLING: Mike, before we let you go about a minute or. The U.N., we fund — the United States funds U.N. extensively — the regular budget we account for about 22 percent. That is about $600 million in 2016. But there is a peace keeping budget, we have been talking about almost $2.5 billion as well. And further a voluntary contributions, they can be $7 or $8 billion as the U.S. funds the U.N. initiatives. Should we cut that back?  MORE

19 Comments on Huckabee: Defund United Nations — Use Money for Veterans Benefits

  1. What’s interesting is that these ideas of punishing the U.N. were never realistic before.
    Now, there are possibilities.
    The idea that some of the most abusive countries regarding human rights can punish Israel (with Obama’s complicity) just illustrates how useless the U.N. has become.

  2. The UN is useless. It defies human nature. Withdraw and kick them out of NY.

    Changes are going to be coming so quickly, it’s going to be like Obama/Jarrett only in reverse. He made so sweeping changes and just kept them coming. You’d get worked up over the latest outrage only to wake up the next day to see some new affront.

  3. Calling Alger Hiss (and FDR in Hell) one of the charter signers of the origin of the UN in San Francisco in 1945, you’re baby is dying and I say good riddance to bad rubbish, it’s about friggin time. And by the way Alger are there any birds to watch (ask Whittaker Chambers) in Hell or pumpkins with microfilm in them in Hell to amuse yourself with. The UN was founded by commie stooges like Alger Hiss and fellow travelers (pinkos) like Henry Wallace and needs to shit canned now into the dustbin of history as it is absolutely worthless.

  4. When reports of UN troops raping and murdering civilians in Africa started being reported years ago, the U.S. should have bailed out, and booted the UN HQ out of NY. But, I like the idea of using UN earmarked funds for veterans. I also think that we should listen to Marcus Luttrell’s ideas on VA care: Vets get a veterans ID card, and can go to ANY doctor/hospital and get service for a small copay.

  5. The UN, a vestige of Wilson’s “League,” was a socialist/globaloney-ist wet dream from inception to now.
    I doubt that even Mr. (Pres.) Trump will make any headway getting rid of this massive globaloney clusterfuck – there are far too many maggots stealing far too many $Billions for them to go quietly. Virtually every tin-pot, banana-republic, strong-arm, tyranny on Earth gets something out of it. The taxpayers of the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK are the ones getting fucked (mostly the US), and they’re so swamped in dis-information, lies, bullshit, and prevarication, that they believe that they’re getting something positive out of it.
    A mind is a terrible thing to waste – so is a dollar.
    Fuck these third-world cesspits – most of their dictatorial regimes would collapse in a matter of weeks without the monetary infusions.
    We are paying to support oppression and tyranny.
    Our founders would be incredulous at our stupidity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I’d like to know where the UN actually accomplishes something that will make a difference. There are the peacekeeping forces that get out of the way when the shooting really starts or hands over their guns and gets butchered like the Belgian Paratroopers did in Rwanda and when that’s not happening loot, rape and commit crimes, the diplomats that sell their vote to the highest bidder, the same diplomats that take advantage of immunity to smuggle drugs into the country etc etc etc. Really, if you know of a division of the UN that can actually make a positive difference in the lives of destitute or starving people make a comment and say what they are. Oh, and also say why a western charity couldn’t do a better job for less money.

  7. @reboot December 31, 2016 at 12:27 am

    > turn the buildings into low rent condos

    What America really needs is “temporary” “refugee” housing. (Preferably near vibrant economic centers, to encourage rewarding job placements.)

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