HUD Still Pumping Money Into Obama’s “Choice Neighborhood” Program – IOTW Report

HUD Still Pumping Money Into Obama’s “Choice Neighborhood” Program

Judicial Watch reports that $5 million dollars of taxpayer money is going to continue to flow from Housing and Urban Development into an Obama Era program designed to create “sustainable, mixed-income areas with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools” from “poverty stricken” neighborhoods. During the Obama Administration the “Choice Neighborhood” program received an estimated $375 million, a portion of which flowed to “leftist nonprofits and community groups.”

The majority of the $5 million is going towards select projects in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland and Huntington, WV. More

14 Comments on HUD Still Pumping Money Into Obama’s “Choice Neighborhood” Program

  1. “an Obama Era program designed to create “sustainable, mixed-income areas with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools” from “poverty stricken” neighborhoods.

    And Chitcago is definitive proof that this program is the epitome of success.

  2. Poverty “stricken”? not a accurate descriptor for those areas. More like lowlife scum turning reasonable housing into shitholes to suit their comfort level.
    Mixed income neighborhoods? Who the fuck is going to migrate from middle income housing to live among the crime ridden slum areas?

  3. Just one of the many scams perpetrated by the FedGov.

    “Reward your friends; Punish your enemies.”

    The motto and guiding principle of tyrants, everywhere.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Anytime you subsidize something, anything, you get more of it.
    In this case a lot more.

    LBJ and the Dems wanted endless generations of geometrically multiplying poor/shiftless/dependent people, endlessly reproducing themselves in multipliers of 5x, 6x, 7x to each 15-year generation. Each generation angrier, more violent, more ferociously ignorant and ineducably feral than the one before.
    They got it.


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