HuffPo Publishes Garbage Article in Their South Africa Division – IOTW Report

HuffPo Publishes Garbage Article in Their South Africa Division

A few days ago we talked about a “Miss” Shelley Garland pushing for the vote being taken away from white males. Total hoax article to prove a point. – Dadof4

Huffpo took it down.

Ran across this at Steven Crowder

Excerpt that caught my eye.

Those who thought that Garland is not real were correct. For she is a pseudonym used by myself, a white South African male, to show that one can write absurd racist and sexist hogwash, as long as the target is the right one.

The piece was accepted without question by the Huffington Post even though – as others have pointed out – the piece is riddled with factual errors [and] logical fallacies. Huffington Post did not fact check any of my ludicrous claims in the article, nor, as far as I can tell, was the piece edited.

This is an indictment on journalism … and a further indictment on the Huffington Post is the fact that its editor, Verashni Pillay, then took it upon herself to defend the total garbage that I had written.


Anyone that reprinted HuffPos piece because they found it incredulous is not the one that was punked.  You have to remember, HuffPo PRINTED this as a reasonable point of view.

So it was fake, BUT REAL.

8 Comments on HuffPo Publishes Garbage Article in Their South Africa Division

  1. I am not going to read those links all over again. I work for a living. But I do believe that I posted on this when it first appeared last week on Shelly Garland. The nations South of the Sahara never had jack shit until the white man came. Mud huts, spears, nose bones, yes, but nothing else.
    In three thousand years, well before Christ, they never built a city, not ever a wheel, that I know of. I read in Ebony Magazine many years ago that they invented the Bagpipes. I near shit my pants.
    Since the “white man” left all these countries in Africa the place has fallen to shit. Witch doctors are again taking over from British Doctors.
    “What a wonderful World.” Play it Louis.

  2. The Liberal Press will never tell the truth about Africa in America or Europe. The truth is that whites are being attacked daily. There homes have to be protected. Their land is being taken. The blacks want control. But the blacks in control are going to get rich and the rest of the wretched fools will run around mugging and stealing from the few whites left. I got this info from a reliable source. It fucking sucks over there for a whitey. But you won’t read it in the New York Times or see it on CNN,NBC.ABC.CBS, or the fucking BBC.

  3. Moe, the only link that’s the same would be the reference one that starts it off. The rest is new and the schadenfreude is strong with how HuffPo was exposed.

    I laughed my ass off when I first found it. Quite delicious!

    This really needs wide exposure (If only!) and then archiving like all the hate hoaxes. To whip out an undeniable list of their offenses against all that is good.

    Quite an amazing thing to have in daylight – in black and white.

  4. The “Shelley” troll is *still* a total douche for claiming he is criticizing only journalistic standards, when it is the Leftist genocidal tendencies exposed that are of greater concern.

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