‘Huge biological risk’ after Sudan fighters occupy lab: WHO – IOTW Report

‘Huge biological risk’ after Sudan fighters occupy lab: WHO

OK, I’ll ask. Why are there biolabs in Sudan?

Insder Paper:
The World Health Organization said Tuesday that fighters in conflict-ravaged Sudan had occupied the national public laboratory holding samples of diseases including polio and measles, creating an “extremely, extremely dangerous” situation.

Fighters “kicked out all the technicians from the lab… which is completely under the control of one of the fighting parties as a military base,” said Nima Saeed Abid, the WHO’s representative in Sudan.

He did not say which of the fighting parties had taken over the laboratory.

Abid said he had received a call from the head of the national laboratory in Khartoum on Monday, a day before a US-brokered 72-hour ceasefire between Sudan’s warring generals officially came into effect after 10 days of urban combat.

“There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab,” said Abid.

He pointed out that the lab held so-called isolates, or samples, of a range of deadly diseases, including measles, polio and cholera.

The director of the lab had also warned of the danger that “depleting stocks of blood bags risk spoiling due to lack of power,” Abid said. MORE

13 Comments on ‘Huge biological risk’ after Sudan fighters occupy lab: WHO

  1. Nothing like endangering the world with these fools not building in self destruct designs in case of being taken over. We had equipment in our underground locations to destroy devices that were not to be allowed to fall into unwanted hands. USAF SAC

  2. Let me guess: The CIA is not getting the regime-change job done, and we are going to have to send in our troops to Save Sudan and Restore The International Rules-Based Order.

    This couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the regime running Sudan had signed an agreement with the Russians allowing them to build a naval base at Port Sudan…could it?

  3. …aaaand there’s where they’ll claim the next pandemic comes from, just in time for the next “election”.

    Right after Pedo declares, too.

    …bet they love it when a plan comes together.

    Too bad the GOOD guys don’t have any…

  4. All part of the “plan” for the up-coming pre-election pandemic. Gotta have those mail-in votes and you can’t do that unless everyone is pinned at home shivering under their beds..

  5. I can’t see the Sudanese fighters being any more dangerous in a bio-lab than Anthony Fauci.

    Fauci is a proven malefactor – the Sudanese are just suspected.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. So…next years election interference brought to you from Africa. Just one more useless thing from the Southern Hemisphere. Anyone know when lockdowns are scheduled for?

    Also, I’m pissed. I had “Invasions of Three Headed Turkey Vultures” for this month. There’s always May…”Surveillance Photo Toilet Brushes”


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