Huge Earthquake Hits Iraq- Damages Estimated To Be Upwards of 65 Bucks – IOTW Report

Huge Earthquake Hits Iraq- Damages Estimated To Be Upwards of 65 Bucks

Seriously. Unless the ground opens up and sends them all down to Allah, what is the danger of an earthquake? A goat will stumble (backwards) and break their pinky toe?

Apparently the danger is a swinging ceiling fan, because that is what the report showed… twice.

ht/ all too much

14 Comments on Huge Earthquake Hits Iraq- Damages Estimated To Be Upwards of 65 Bucks

  1. It was the wrath of allah. Did you see the red light hanging next to a green light on that strand?
    Allah will not allow the injection of the images of Christendom in his holy land.

    Or big al just farted.

  2. How convenient these poor people could afford recording devices and leave them behind while running out the house on their pj’s and underwear, all the while that dangerous ceiling fan attempted to sway.

  3. I mounted a large ceiling fan in my concrete ceiling in the living ceilingroom.

    That fucker will never move unless you blow it up. Tapcons and concrete anchors set in epoxy.👍

  4. As a property and casualty insurance adjuster, I must weigh in on that comment.
    I think you are short on projected losses.
    I’d say upwards of a hundred bucks.
    Don’t forget you need to hire people to keep the workers awake during the day.

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