Huge Stage Prop Topples Onto Marilyn Manson – IOTW Report

Huge Stage Prop Topples Onto Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson, who in the age of ISIS, Antifa, and Gender Fluidity, looks like Ward Cleaver, was trying to make some point about guns during a performance of ‘Sweet Dreams” at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC, and was crushed by the prop.

He was carted off on a stretcher.

Sweet Dreams.

37 Comments on Huge Stage Prop Topples Onto Marilyn Manson

  1. I sure hope he called the Church of Satan ambulance, and was delivered to the Church of Satan hospital.

    He shows up at a St. Mary’s, they should flip the sign, “Sorry We’re Closed.”

  2. What an incredibly dedicated back up band! Even after a huge prop in center stage falls on their headliner, they continue playing within even losing the beat!

    Either that, or the whole show is pre-recorded lipsynching bullshit. But that couldn’t possibly be the case!

  3. Slow down!

    Actually, Marilyn did a sound track for Keanu Reeves’ movie John Wick titled Killing Strangers.

    The lyrics go like: We don’t need a bigger knife. We’ve got guns, we’ve got guns.

    I’m sure the song he was singing at the moment was him giving the audience a prior hit of his. Like most artists do.

    Only reason I know is one of my members asked for it to be put on our gaming server.

  4. Well Alice invented this shtick. Kiss glammed it up, Marilyn creeped it out, Slipknot and Rob Zombie pushed it even farther. Kiss looks mundane these days but they were pretty shocking in their time.
    I’m told Alice Cooper’s stage persona is nothing like Vince Furnier, who is a really nice guy.

  5. MJA – There used to be a DJ that did a contest where a popular song was played as a polka and people had to call in and guess what it was. Lemme tell ya, that could go on for a while before somebody guessed what it was!!
    Good times!

  6. “I can think of ten dozen “artists” that need a giant anvil dropped on them”

    Here’s my first dozen:

    Green Day
    Roger Waters
    Snoop Dogg Lion Calvin Broadus
    Barbra Streisand and her nose
    Any band that does the currently popular “OOOH OOH OOH OOOOH” chorus

    well, that’s half a dozen. I’m tired.

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