Huh? The Obama Admin Blocked An Iranian-American Judge From Hearing Iranian Immigration Cases – IOTW Report

Huh? The Obama Admin Blocked An Iranian-American Judge From Hearing Iranian Immigration Cases

I was told by big brain legal minds, such as Hugh Hewitt and Gregg Jarrett that Trump is an imbecile and doesn’t know the law because “the heritage or ethnicity of a judge is not, by itself, a conflict of interest recognized by the law.  It never has been.  Nor is race, religion, gender or anything related to personal identity.  For Trump to say so reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of our court system.”

Was Jarrett in an alcohol induced haze when he failed to read what he, himself, wrote?

“…ethnicity of a judge is not, by itself, a conflict…”

Trump’s objection is not ethnicity “by itself.” The judge’s ethnicity would not be a reason for recusal UNLESS this particular person belonged to ethnic organizations that advocate for illegal aliens of this particular ethnicity to get amnesty and entitlements – a view that would cause advocates to loathe Donald Trump.

That is not “ethnicity, by itself,” causing consternation for a defendant.

Today I learned that the Obama Administration blocked an AMERICAN-Iranian judge from presiding over Iranian immigration cases.

HT/ All Too Much



6 Comments on Huh? The Obama Admin Blocked An Iranian-American Judge From Hearing Iranian Immigration Cases

  1. Of course Soetoro does this kind of thing, the left has been pulling this kind of balkanizing crasp for a long long time.
    Rational people have always resisted it realizing that it is intended to sow suspicion and hostility rather than unity in this country.
    Any of you willing to participate in that kind of crap should just go full monty and start burning US flags in the streets

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  1. I wish Andrew Breitbart were here -

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