Huma Cuts Off Her Weiner – IOTW Report

Huma Cuts Off Her Weiner

Huma has more humility than Hillary.

Hillary stayed with an abuser, rapist, pedophile for political expediency.


ht/ fdr in hell

42 Comments on Huma Cuts Off Her Weiner

  1. So much for the teachings of islam, I thought she would approve of her husband having other interests, sex partners, wives, maybe a goat and exercise her complete submission.
    Anthony should break out the dominance and caning talked of so much in the koran. Hillary does.

  2. A dead pool should be started. Parameters would be when Wiener dies, by what method and will it be a “suicide” or a “mugging gone wrong”?

    I’ll go with 11/11/2016 (if she looses he will pay; if she wins he will not be the source of anymore such news stories); shot 7 times in the back and back of the head while in the shower- ruled an accidental death; because people just slip and fall all the time in the shower- it happens.

  3. TONY TONY TONY….does the term “dead meat” mean anything to you? It soon will. Adios. Before you go, drop a dime on Cankles and tell all you know. AT this point, what difference can it make to your fate?

  4. Weiner married the woman he loved and hoped to give her the body he wanted; but she got the baby she wanted, neutered an Infidel, and walked away with the cash.
    It was Hillary’s advice that carried the day: “Don’t give him any and when he goes a sexting, go for his wallet”.

  5. Next thing you know, Weiner is found dead with a hooker in a motel room. A hooker that promises to go to the station for some questions and, oops, she disappears somehow before she gets there.
    Shame, that.

  6. “Huma Cuts Off Her Weiner”

    Well, what took her so long. She’s married to a pedophile. Sexting while his kid is sleeping next to him. Perv! “Huma, a member of Hillary’s staff should have been home taking care of her husbands staff.”

    /just saying

  7. This only proves that everything negative said about Carlos the first time he got caught, is in fact, entirely true.

    The man is a creeper perv!

    As a self respecting man. I have no idea how it’s even possible to get to a point in your life where you send pics of your dick to random women on the internet. Or for that matter, any woman!

  8. There’s a man who tweets as Carlos Danger
    And every time we look he’s acting stranger
    Oh with every tweet he makes
    Another scandal breaks
    Odds are he’ll be on the couch tomorrow

    Carlos .. Danger man
    Carlos .. danger man
    Oh you gave yourself a moniker
    And we’re wondering if you’re sane

  9. This isn’t the first time he has been caught doing this since being “exposed” the first time. Why is Huma separating from him NOW? What is the expected political benefit to Hillary at this point in time? EVERYTHING about Hitlary is planned, NOTHING is left to chance. My guess is this is designed to take the heat off of Huma, who is now a pitiful victim and therefore untouchable and above criticism.

  10. Wee Willy Weiner can’t get enough.
    Sending sexy pictures when he’s almost in the buff.
    Sexting with his iPhone, sending photos impolitic.
    “See my kids asleep in bed and he’s right next to my dick!”

  11. I know what the problem is.
    Tony Weiner ain’t getting enough from Huma.

    He’s got a God given gut wrench between his legs and it’s not being used to tighten Huma up. He’s frustrated and bored — and now embarrassed again because he was planning to pose with a potted African Violet next to his jim dandy dingle but, you know how things get out of hand.

    Huma? She’s always off with Mrs. Antichrist going who knows where doing Lord knows what with who knows who. Maybe Assange will shed some light on that, eh?

  12. It might have been that posting a dick pic that included their son was the last straw for her, although I would have dumped him long before now. He’s always been a pig and a jerk, but this is a new low even for him.

  13. ♫♪ “Ev’ry night we fuss and fight
    Like Arabs and like Jews,
    I guess love is always just:

    Love is monkey see and monkey do, (that’s all it is, peaches)”..♪♫


    Weiner has exposed himself (pun intended) to child neglect charges per Article 10 of the New York State Family. It is expected that The Administration for Children’s Services, the child protective agency in New York City, will be investigating. If their investigation concludes that Weiner neglected his son, ACS can file a petition against him in New York County Family Court, the home jurisdiction of father and son.

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