Huma Wants $2 Million For Her Tell All Book – IOTW Report

Huma Wants $2 Million For Her Tell All Book

Hillary Clinton handler, Huma Abedin, is reportedly looking for a publisher of her account of her time with the Clinton campaign and pervert husband Anthony Weiner. “If she reveals a lot, it turns your stomach. If she doesn’t, she puts the publisher in a bad place,” claims a literary agent.


Roger Stone claims the NYD has “photographs of former President Bill Clinton in compromising sexual situations” thanks to Huma’s lap top that they possess as part of their investigations.  “My sources in the NYPD tell me that they are not only not benign, they include corruption, self-dealing, treason and sexual exploitation of minors. We’re talking about the Clintons.”


Maybe Huma should do a picture book.

Image courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon

13 Comments on Huma Wants $2 Million For Her Tell All Book

  1. I can’t imagine anything less than a fluff book to pity her and her boss because of deplorables. No mention of marriage as sham, daughter of Muslim brotherhood representatives, power plays to set up Carlos Danger first for ny mayor, then POTUS.

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