Huma weeps in street – IOTW Report

Huma weeps in street

EXCLUSIVE: Huma breaks down and weeps openly as she returns to campaign headquarters where she and her aides ran doomed bid to elect Hillary Clinton


  • Hillary Clinton’s closest aide Huma Abedin wept in the street as she approached the failed campaign’s headquarters in Brooklyn 
  • The FBI investigation into her pervert estranged husband Anthony Weiner is being cited as one of the reasons for her boss losing – it led to the Clinton email investigation being re-opened
  • It is unclear what Abedin, 40, will do now that her boss’s political career is over; she has never worked for anyone else
  • Abedin made the phonecall to Trump’s aide Kellyann Conway in which Clinton conceded to the President-elect – minutes after her cmapaign chairman had suggested there would be no concession
  • She declared her marriage to serial sexter Weiner over when he sent sexual picture of himself in bed alongside their son to a woman in her 40s – then revealed his sexts to a girl, 15

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37 Comments on Huma weeps in street

  1. “Key message: Abedin appeared to start weeping after she read a message on her mobile phone as she made her way to the Brooklyn headquarters.”

    So everything was fine until she stopped to read a message. THEN SHE BROKE DOWN. Probably something about the FBI and her involvement in CGI and the emails.

  2. I read an article they tried to determine what went wrong. Everything outside their control. Just as good an autospsy as Jebs we need amnesty and common core. DJT for 8 baby!!!

  3. Prison bound.

    Obama’s mass “pardons” will prove worthless. Legally invalid. Nothing in the Constitution empowers a President to bestow magical immunity en masse.
    Only for those already tried and convicted.
    And even then, the next President can revoke a pardon granted by a previous President.

    They’re all toast.

    Trump’s DoJ can proceed and prosecute to the max.

  4. Sad day for the moslem brotherhood. Big setback for the caliphate. They will probably stone her to death if she ever returns to Iran. Hope somebody videotapes it and puts it on utube.

  5. BigGun, I’ve been reluctant to research that spirit cooking too much. That just creeps me out. But you are probably right about that – they are a satanic bunch. I quit reading about it when I saw the body in the vat. Don’t even want to know …

  6. She knew the job was dangerous when she took it. Under the bus she goes, deported, straight to jail or disappeared. Chelsea’s the star child the Clintons are counting on to save the Clinton crime syndicate.

  7. 99th Squad Leader “She knew the job was dangerous when she took it. Under the bus she goes, deported, straight to jail or disappeared. Chelsea’s the star child the Clintons are counting on to save the Clinton crime syndicate.”

    Funny tho. 😉 Hill kept her intern all these years. Bill cast his aside asap.

  8. If she doesn’t go to jail. ASAP she’ll be searching for other work where she can gain access to classified documents to pass onto jihadists, or work where she can influence policies that make civil rights protection for jihadists a higher priority that tracking them, stopping the next mass killing, or killing them.

  9. I wonder if the Clintons got a huge laugh out of manipulating a muslim and a Jew into get married, and having Bill officiate at the wedding. How desperate did Huma and Anthony have to be to go along with this obvious joke?

    Maybe one day she’ll wake up to that fact and reveal all about the Clintons out of anger and spite or self preservation.

    And the Middle Eastern mega-donor muslims with their million-dollar influence investments now trumped, will they also begin to see this joke marriage to a Jew as a huge insult? Between them and the muslim brotherhood’s now worthless investment in Huma’s marriage, I honestly don’t think the Clintons have a lot of time left.

    Would that be Arkancide or kharmacide? You decide.

  10. Perspective, Huma will probably remain Hellary’s side piece for now. Huma’s not expendable yet, only because the Muslim Brotherhood may still need her as an operative. The Clintons are not motivated by love, only power.

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