Human penises are shrinking because of pollution, warns scientist – IOTW Report

Human penises are shrinking because of pollution, warns scientist


Penises are shrinking and genitals becoming malformed because of pollution, an environmental scientist has warned in a new book detailing the challenges facing human reproduction.

Dr Swan’s research began by examining phthalate syndrome, something observed in rats which found that when fetuses were exposed to the chemical they were likely to be born with shrunken genitals.

The chemical has an industrial use in making plastics more flexible, but Dr Swan says it is being transmitted into toys and foods and subsequently harms human development.

Dr Swan, who is a professor in environmental medicine and public health at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, based her work on a series of peer-reviewed research studies.

One study published in 2017 found that sperm levels among men in Western countries had dropped by more than 50% over the past four decades after examining 185 studies involving close to 45,000 healthy men.

Dr Swan believes that the rapidly decreasing fertility rate means that most men will be unable to produce viable sperm by 2045.


so many comments, so little time

ht/ c. steven tucker

49 Comments on Human penises are shrinking because of pollution, warns scientist

  1. This is why so many Democrat women want to import from backwards lands, they (and Murkowski, Snow, and Collins, believe that TECHNOLOGY is why all the Democrat “men” don’t have it up for them, and don’t have much TO get up, which is why they are angry and bitter all the time when they can’t even get raped by Muslims…

  2. I had a new ‘girlfriend’ one time and found out she was a Democrat. That was it. I came down with a case of erectile disorder which vanished mysteriously when I let her go soon after.

  3. “One study published in 2017 found that sperm levels among men in Western countries had dropped by more than 50% over the past four decades after examining 185 studies involving close to 45,000 healthy men.”

    Ha Ha missed me by a mile. 5,7 & 11 year old kids and I am pushing 62

  4. There are so many scientific hoaxes, that when a real warning comes along everybody laughs. Why do you think there’s a warning on packaging not to microwave food in plastic containers? Yeah. Ha! Ha!

  5. MJA
    MARCH 30, 2021 AT 2:10 PM
    “Michelle 0bama’s too?”

    No studies have been done on Sasquatches. They are thought to have natural immunities to anything civilized.

  6. Nice timing since they just tied the plastic in masks having the chemical phthalates to having the effect of shrinking penises. While Biden tells everyone it is your patriotic duty to wear one.


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