Humans Form Moron Chain To Block Ice From Arresting Illegal – IOTW Report

Humans Form Moron Chain To Block Ice From Arresting Illegal

29 Comments on Humans Form Moron Chain To Block Ice From Arresting Illegal

  1. When I first read this headline, I thought it said humans chain themselves to a block of ice.

    People are so crazy today, I didnt even wonder why, just ho-hummed on to the next article.

  2. Interfering with federal agents, they should be arrested themselves. He is a wanted criminal and was purposely evading the agents because of that. It was not compassion by neighbors, but protection of a criminal. Liberal/Black sympathy almost always supports criminals. At some point, force at gunpoint will be necessary as criminals run rampant. Either the Law keeps order, or there will be none.

    20:16 / 23.07.2019
    Neighbors form human chain to prevent ICE agents from taking Tennessee man reports

    “After about four hours, the neighbors reportedly formed a human chain so that the father and son could run into their home. Once they did, ICE left, the station reported.

    “I know they’re going to come back, and when they come back, we’re coming back,” Young told the station.

    Several people who witnessed the situation reportedly broadcasted video on Facebook Live.

    An ICE spokesman told Fox News the man the agency was trying to arrest is a convicted criminal who was ordered to be removed from the country “after receiving appropriate due process before the federal immigration courts.”

    He added that ICE officers chose to deescalate the situation by leaving and pointed out that in general, people who interfere with or obstruct federal law enforcement officers are subject to arrest and potential federal criminal prosecution.”

  3. Just throw a hand full of $10.00 Bills in the air about 50 feet away from them. Bet that Human Chain breaks apart real quick so they can go & grab some “Free Stuff”.

  4. I’d bet cash money that if this guy decides not to wait, kills one of these human chain morons, takes their money and steals their car the rest of those dumb f*cks would blame Trump.

  5. Been to Davy’s home many times the last 75 years. No friend there. but a volunteer pfor is 1 of my favs, and has been for 20 years; glenn. Have friends from Kantuk, W. Va. Va Miss but Tenn no.
    It has bee libe almost forever. thing Gore Clan.

    so given the Vol States far left history this is not a shock. Still bad!

  6. @Joe, because they are being filmed and excessive force will be reported as Trump the Dictator. I know that the best way may be to charge in forcibly and quickly and get ‘er done in less than a minute. But damn politics!

  7. Liberal protesters always seem to get the benefit.

    A Conservative protester is whisked away by police “for his protection” never mind the liberal mob was violating his rights

    You embolden these people by backing down

  8. ICE needs a mobile gibbet.

    You have aided and abetted treasonous criminals, thereby becoming treasonous criminals, and the wage of Treason is death. Thou shalt hang by the neck until dead, dead, dead.

    Do it right there. Then drag the puling illegal out of his little hiding place and hang his fucking ass, too.

  9. People who help criminals end up in trouble themselves. This merry band of illegals loving fools will break up and be too busy covering their own butts. Their pet “migrant” will eventually be caught. He can’t be “protected” against ICE forever.

  10. MSM networks just prepping us for a late summer reboot of “Flash Dance Nation’,,,
    Hosts Oprah, Ellen and non us citizen or comedian Howie Mandel still in money grubbing negotiations.

  11. How many of those “neighbors” were bused in by some organization?
    I’m pretty sure some of the neighbors can’t stand the illegals for one reason or another.
    Whose SSN did that dude steal? Among the other shit he’s charged with.

  12. It seems that ICE agents do not have the arresting powers that actual police have. They have legal boundaries and cannot do what we assume they can do. Actually the restrictions they seem to work under pretty much makes them almost useless for illegals’ control. They cannot use force, but must get the consent of the person wanted as named in a warrant. Like a parking meter reader who can only leave a ticket on the windshield.

    ICE Administrative Removal Warrants

    “Seaman: Jenna, the primary difference is that, unlike a criminal warrant issued by the federal court, a removal warrant does not authorize the ICE officer to enter into an REP area to execute the warrant.

    Solari: So, what does that mean to an ICE officer who goes out to execute an ICE administrative removal warrant?

    Seaman: Basically, what this means is that the ICE officer has the authority to arrest the person named in the warrant, so long as the officer locates the person in a public, non-REP, location. For example, the person is located walking down a public sidewalk.

    Solari: Well, what would happen if the ICE officer locates the person in an REP area, such as his or her home?

    Seaman: Well, in that case the administrative removal warrant authorizes the ICE officer to arrest the subject, but not to enter into an REP area such as his or her home unless consent to enter is given. If the officer does not have consent to enter, even if the officer knows the person subject to the warrant is inside the home, the officer has no legal authority to enter the home pursuant to that removal warrant.

    Solari: Well John in that type of case, what are the ICE officer’s options?

    Seaman: If the ICE officer does not obtain consent to enter the home, then that officer must “wait it out” if you will, until the person named in the warrant can be located in a non-REP area.

    Solari: So, in comparing the authority and limitations of an administrative removal warrant to a criminal warrant situation, it would seem as though an officer who has an administrative removal warrant has about the same authority as an officer in a criminal matter who has probable cause, but does not have a warrant issued by a federal judge.

    Seaman: Jenna, I think that analogy is a good one. If, in a felony criminal matter, officers had probable cause and did not yet have a criminal warrant, those officers could arrest the suspect if the suspect was located in a public or a non-REP place. However, to arrest that same person in his or her home, the officers would have to have either consent to enter the home or a warrant signed by a federal judge.

    Solari: Well then it sounds as though it works to the advantage of our ICE officers to try to execute administrative removal warrants in public, in other words, in non-REP areas.

    Seaman: Yes, that’s true. It’s not that an arrest cannot be made in a person’s home, but the only way to enter the home to make the arrest pursuant to an administrative removal warrant is to do so with consent. And obviously, since the purpose of the officer is to make the arrest, consent will most often be denied.

    Solari: Well thanks for distinguishing the administrative removal warrant from a criminal warrant. It’s pretty clear that ICE officers need to be resourceful and certainly even patient in doing their jobs.”

  13. The problem here is that ICE do not have adequate arrest powers, especially misdemeanor, especially if they have no knowledge if person committing the felony or misdemeanor is an illegal alien. Even then it’s got to be a crime against the United States. So it’s difficult.

    Even where ICE can at least arguably make an arrest, they frequently have nowhere to HOLD the person arrested, let alone that they are only permitted to hold arrestees for 48 hours before turning them over to the “appropriate agency”. Which would be…?

  14. ICE should have broken that human chain with a chain-saw. Instead, they handed the open borders crowd a victory. They’ll forever crow about how they stopped the ‘fascist’ ICE withe their ‘People United will never be defeated’ nonsense. Nice going ICE, you lost a battle and the leftists will
    Employ the same tactic again.


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