Hummingbirds Driven to Extinction Because of Global Warming? – IOTW Report

Hummingbirds Driven to Extinction Because of Global Warming?

Study Finds

Hummingbirds could be the next casualty of global warming, a new study warns. Researchers say they will have to move north to seek cooler climes, or the species will go extinct.

Hummingbirds perform the most exhausting type of flight in the animal kingdom. Their habit of hovering demands far more energy and oxygen than conventional flight. Yet, thin air poses no barrier to these birds. They thrive atop high mountain ranges from, Alaska to South America. More

29 Comments on Hummingbirds Driven to Extinction Because of Global Warming?

  1. Global warming? Naahhhh. It’s rap music. Ever tried humming to a rap song? It can’t be done. No wonder the hummingbirds are going extinct.

  2. Pretty typical for the government to kill that which is least able to defend itself for cheap political points.

    See elementary school shootings and unborn infants being ripped apart in the womb for further details.

  3. We have an abundance of hummingbirds in TX but we also have a lot of geo-engineering. Perhaps if they stopped spraying the sky with metals or whatever all life would be better off.

  4. These Global Warming Fanatics should take up an activity that’s weather dependent. Like Bass Fishing or Duck Hunting. After doing it for three years they would discover their entire lifes work was a waste and a fraud. Hopefully spurring on a suicide.

  5. I’ll just keep filling the hummingbird feeder and they will keep emptying it. Nothing has changed. You climate change retards need to get out of your studio apartments and away from the diesel belching buses for a day. We don’t live in your world.

    On second thought. Stay in your miserable cities and live your miserable lives. You’ll just fuck it up for the rest of us. That’s what you do.

  6. If we could get rid of mankind everything would be just safe and tranquil or maybe no one would know or care what mother nature was up to this century.

  7. They’re in the desert,too. THE DESERT.

    When you regularly put food out for them and you miss a week, they get bitchy. They eyeball you through the window. lol!
    Love those lil guys.

  8. Can anyone else see the contradiction in these two sentences from the article:

    “…they will have to move north to seek cooler climes, or the species will go extinct.”

    And this…

    “They thrive atop high mountain ranges from, Alaska to South America.”

  9. Cripes! Another amulet, another fetish of the radical Left. Send money to stop global warming!! (Why isn’t Al Gore mocked as thoroughly as he should be?)

    I recently heard a couple of Christian archeologists discussing the finds of the lead (cursing) tablet found at Mt. Ebal and what is strongly thought to be Joshua’s altar. It is yet another momentous find that links the earliest Hebrew alphabet to a very definite location in the Old Testament (the command by God that Joshua build altars of blessing and cursing on the twin mountains of Ebal and I forget the other one). As there are no deep strata on Mt. Ebal from centuries of destruction and rebuilding — in fact nothing much else of any construction — there can be no confusion over the period of the found tablet and altar.

    Anyway…these guys were talking about how more an more hard evidence is appearing from the ground in Israel and around that part of the world that comports with specific accounts in the Bible; so much so, that the real people operating from ‘faith’, as it were, are those who believe in no God and they do so with no evidence to support their claim.

    It’s the same with the Left’s beliefs in just about everything! Just look at all the things they say they “believe”. When they aren’t being blindly faithful of them, they are outright hypocrites of their stated beliefs. It takes a lot more faith to believe in global warming than it does to believe in God these days.

    More about Mt. Ebal:


  10. We had dozens of them last year on 10 feeders. So far this year only two. There’s a bird virus going around killing all birds. Not climate change hocus. Hope they are just late arriving or a neighbor is giving them higher sugar content.

  11. Last Fall, I had more hummingbirds than ever. I couldn’t keep the feeders full. They sucked down those bottles faster than Nancy Pelosi sucks down a bottle of Jack Daniels.

  12. @Smarter than a Circus Dog – Depending on your location, you are probably right. This is a virus (bird) that has very little press coverage. Somehow, keep us informed.
    In 2002, the crows died because of the bird flu, and here in eastern MO they were wiped out. It took 7 to 8 years before I saw a crow in the area.

  13. I invite leftists to see how many I have when my Mimosa blooms. Used to put feeders out on my deck, little bastids would fight all around us. 😵 Tree is better. They’re out there now waiting for it.

    Of course they’d better not trespass…

  14. The only “things” which should be driven to extinction are the putrid zombie horde liberals and their murderous child-killing conspirators of cocaine-snorting democrats/rinos.


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