Humorous Sign in San Fran Could Be Advising People To Commit a Felony – IOTW Report

Humorous Sign in San Fran Could Be Advising People To Commit a Felony

If a guy is sick and tired of getting robbed and he electrifies a safe in his house and a burglar touches it and dies, that guy can be brought up on homicide charges.

I hate to be all persnickety, but how are these signs not possibly advising someone to commit a felony?

What if someone followed this advice and a thief who was highly allergic to bees broke into the car, stole the purse, opened it and was stung?

Wait, what am I saying? This is the state that made it a misdemeanor to intentionally infect someone with HIV.

ht/ all too much


10 Comments on Humorous Sign in San Fran Could Be Advising People To Commit a Felony

  1. But in this case it would be a criminal that would get hurt, so the car owner would probably get the book thrown at him. Yes, I know it said “purse.” but it IS San Francisco.

  2. How big of a purse or a bag will it have to be to fill it with thousands of poisonous bees? And will they have to have an epi pen just in case they accidentally set all those bees loose? Why not just arm them with tarantulas or scorpions or small poisonous snakes or a small photon bomb. Geez, the libs are idiots.

  3. We live in Bizarro World and CA is the Bizarre Bizarro World of Bizarro World.

    And San Franpervo is the Bizarre Bizarro World of the Really Bizarre Bizarro World of CA.

    So, that’s like … let’s see … well … at any rate all humans should stay the Hell out!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Oh, MYYYYYYY.” exclaimed Mr. Takai.

    You could deliberately give the attacker AIDS. It’s only a misdemeanor, even if you’re found guilty.

    Well, it IS San Francisco.

  5. Back in the day I had a customer who put one of those elastic ammo holders on the stock of his 30-06 & 243 rifles with five rounds loaded with a full charge of Bullseye and a 180 grain or 100 grain bullet. He had his truck broken into a couple times and rifles stolen and figured that whoever got blown up by this man trap would be either a thief or a purchaser of stolen property and it served them right.

    Seemed like a good way to blow a bolt through your own face to me.

  6. Not too long ago the liberal homos were arguing that shoplifting by blacks was not a crime. But steal from a liberal and they will burn you with acid…


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