Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Sleep on Sidewalks – IOTW Report

Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Sleep on Sidewalks

NYC Last Night: Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Sleep on Sidewalks With Shelters Packed.

12 Comments on Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Sleep on Sidewalks

  1. All healthy, military-aged young males, with smaht phones , clean clothing and looking totally unconcerned about their “plight”. Not at all an invading army, right?

  2. All with cell phones, half eaten plates of food, and trash everywhere. Maybe they should start with cleaning up their own trash.
    Where’s the bathrooms?
    Who’s paying for the phones? We are.

  3. Late night, when everyone is asleep.
    Wear black clothes + mask. Fill a pressurized tank with Clorox, walk down the street spraying the illegals.
    If caught by the po-po, just tell ’em you’re concerned about diseases and vectors.
    Again, late night/early am.
    A group of you, wearing black clothes + masks.
    A drive-by, with car lights off, pelting the illegals with paintballs.

  4. Junlus is right, cold sidewalks with snow to pack up for a nice white fluffy pillow. Washington has all the answers…but not this one, it will just be farm them out to other locations and tell voters everything is (a lie) just fine, just like the economy. Keep in mind Voters can’t fix rigged elections without the second amendment.

  5. “All healthy, military-aged young males, with smaht phones , clean clothing and looking totally unconcerned about their “plight”. Not at all an invading army, right?”

    If they’re not an invading army consider this. First of all your demographics are correct. Where are these invaders going to go for food and shelter should the Coup decide they need a huge distraction and crash the economy/dollar. I’ll tell you where they’re going, your house.

    “Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Sleep on Sidewalks” Palease. It’s thousands. In every major city.

  6. It’s amazing the number of Americans that are unaware or unfamiliar with the overwhelming shit that is taking place in this country.

    No doubt, China is really counting on that.


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