Hungary Drops Gender Studies – IOTW Report

Hungary Drops Gender Studies

Fox News-

Hungary’s populist government is stopping universities from offering courses in gender studies, saying there is no need for graduates in the labor market and they take taxpayer money away from other programs. More

h.t. Sargon of Akkad

12 Comments on Hungary Drops Gender Studies

  1. Just one less class in the “under water basket weaving” category.

    That’s one small step in the right direction. If only this trend could take hold in our higher education.

  2. Hungary and Poland are more inline with the US ideology on immigration freedom and liberty.
    The US needs to reduce military personnel in England, France and Germany.
    Possibly this move will encourage these socialist nation states of the EU to focus on Western Civilization and our traditions of freedom and liberty.
    The former Soviet satellite States who were deprived freedom for decades get it.

  3. Finally some common sense. All of these “(fill-in-the-blank) studies” are just designed to try and make the supposedly marginalized group feel like they are perfectly OK even though the conscience of the person accuses them far more than any outsider ever could. Think of it as a degree in virtue signaling.

  4. “Soros’ Open Society Foundation has moved its Budapest offices to Berlin shortly after the election amid what it described as a “repressive political and legal environment.””

    Well, Georgie certainly knows about repressive political and legal environments. He doesn’t know about common sense and true freedom, except to hate them.


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