Hungary orders 100-mile Serbia border fence – IOTW Report

Hungary orders 100-mile Serbia border fence


Foriegn minister says they are taking action to stop hundreds of thousands of migrants entering the country as EU is ‘too slow to act’.


Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Wednesday that the government asked Interior Minister Sandor Pinter to prepare the plan by next week.

“Immigration is one of the most serious problem facing the European Union today,” he told a press conference. “The EU’s countries seek a solution… but Hungary cannot afford to wait any longer.”

Since the second half of 2014, the number of migrants and asylum seekers entering Hungary, mostly across the southern border with Serbia, has risen markedly.


11 Comments on Hungary orders 100-mile Serbia border fence

  1. And no one wants to help Italy by taking any of the thousands of “immigrants” that have arrived in the last 6 months.

    The reality of open borders and immigration quotas is intruding on the unicorn sparkle dust. Heritage & Culture are important. Values matter. And diversity ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    Don’t think this will be the last fence we see.

  2. An electric non-fence will work just fine. Put up electrified machine gun bunkers that will automatically sweep the area with .50 caliber rounds whenever they sense anyone trying to cross.

    Oh, and put landmines down for those that try to crawl under the sensors.

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