Hungary Outraged By Ukraine’s Leaked Plans To Sabotage Druzhba Oil Pipeline – IOTW Report

Hungary Outraged By Ukraine’s Leaked Plans To Sabotage Druzhba Oil Pipeline

CDM: A new revelation from the trove of military intelligence documents that were leaked by Jack Teixeira has caused outrage among several Hungarian media outlets after it revealed that Ukraine had been planning to sabotage the Druzhba oil pipeline. The pipeline carries crude from Russia to Hungary.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had proposed to Deputy Prime Minister Yuliya Svyrydenko during a February meeting that Ukraine blow up the pipeline to destroy the portion of the Hungarian infrastructure that relies on Russian oil, according to the leaked documents.

Meanwhile, government spokesman Zoltán Kovács asked in a tweet simply, “How is it possible that Ukraine is plotting against a NATO country??” more

5 Comments on Hungary Outraged By Ukraine’s Leaked Plans To Sabotage Druzhba Oil Pipeline

  1. If I’m Russia, at this point I have some prisoners in captured Uke uniforms blow the pipeline up.

    Massive false flag that ends NATO forever.

    And since it’s just a globalist instrument being used to destroy the West and protect the money laundry, good riddence.

  2. “How is it possible that Ukraine is plotting against a NATO country??”

    What fucking planet have you been living on the last decade? Ukraine = The Party = Ukraine. There is absolutely nothing the rotten SOBs are incapable of or off limits.

  3. I have no love for Putin but I am finding it harder and harder to believe he is really the bad guy here. Can you imagine what the US would have done if Cuba and the USSR did half of what we are doing in Ukraine?


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