Hungary uses intelligence agencies to combat Soros schemes – IOTW Report

Hungary uses intelligence agencies to combat Soros schemes


U.S. government can and should use racketeering laws to shut Soros down. There is a difference between activism and subversion. It’s time to do something about this man.

Normally the prospect of a government targeting a private citizen would alarm me, but George Soros is a gangster. More governments should go after him.

Bloomberg News reports:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban renewed his assault on George Soros, instructing his intelligence services to map what he described as the networks run by the billionaire financier’s “empire” targeting his country.

Intelligence agencies will help evaluate what he sees as efforts by Soros to get Hungary punished by EU institutions pursuing a “mixed-population” continent, Orban said in an interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday.

Orban, who is the favorite to win next year’s parliamentary elections, said Europe is set to be split between a “migrant-free zone” and those in the west who refuse calls to “haul” undocumented migrants away.

Soros’s meddling, largely by way of his Open Society Foundations, has led authorities in Hungary to declare him persona non grata.

A billionaire speculator, Soros is the preeminent funder of the activist Left in America, which means he is the Number One funder of the domestic terrorism that is part and parcel of the Left.

Soros makes no secret of his contempt for President Trump.  more here

14 Comments on Hungary uses intelligence agencies to combat Soros schemes

  1. Soros, as a Jew, built his wealth under Nazi Occupation and the deaths of thousands of Jews. He betrayed his fellow citizens, country, religion and his God.
    He is evil personified, satan’s manipulator lieutenant, who has made $Billions off the deaths and misery of others and their countries.
    He should face man’s judgement to expedite his Judgement by God.
    No Mercy.

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