‘Hungrier, Less Prosperous And More Likely To Be Unemployed’ – IOTW Report

‘Hungrier, Less Prosperous And More Likely To Be Unemployed’

Lonely Conservative

If you think the economy is bad now, just wait. President Obama’s energy policies are going to make Americans “hungrier, less prosperous and more likely to be unemployed,”according to the Detroit News.

President Barack Obama, in presenting his strident new plan to reduce carbon emissions, is touting the health benefits of cleaner air. And there’s little doubt shutting down one-third of the nation’s coal plants will make America’s air cleaner and some people healthier.

But it will also risk making them hungrier, less prosperous and more likely to be unemployed as the nation’s economy slows and jobs disappear. The tough, new restrictions on smokestack emissions are the latest in a series of battles in the administration’s war on coal.

And while the power industry has achieved substantial reductions in carbon emissions over the past decade, the new standards would greatly accelerate the pace. The Environmental Protection Agency, which drafted the mandates, is targeting a 30 percent cut in greenhouse gases by 2030 based on the peak emissions year of 2005.

The power industry estimates that up to one-third of its 1,000 coal-fired facilities will have to close. Those plants produce 40 percent of the nation’s energy.



9 Comments on ‘Hungrier, Less Prosperous And More Likely To Be Unemployed’

  1. Eat shit and DIE, Amerikkka!

    I love it when a plan comes together; and you clowns were so easy, even a drug-addled, homosexual, marxist, community organizer could do it!

    Roll over! Play dead! Sit up and beg!

    Yeah, beg all you want … it ain’t gonna do no good.

  2. Is Obama’s mind so deranged by leftist propaganda that he thinks he is doing good things for the nation? I mean our country – not the Commie countries.
    His plan here will not make one iota of difference to global cooling/warming/weather.

  3. obama hates small businesses and this is how you get rid of them, by sinking the economy.

    you can’t be in lock step if too many people think for themselves.

    now go work for a big international company in bed with government if you want your cheese.

  4. There is a whole “degrowth” movement out there. They are just another manifestation of Marxist pieces of crap masquerading as ecologically sensitive individuals. They are nothing of the sort.

  5. “hungrier, less prosperous and more likely to be unemployed”

    That makes people all the more susceptible to even worse demagogues than those we’ve been subjected to. People even more ruthless, short sighted, and dangerous than Obama.

  6. This is part of his plan to redistribute wealth and to turn amerika into a third world nation. We will greatly reduce our energy consumption since there is no viable option to replace the amount of power coal plants produce. Next thing ? We will all be riding bicycles to work, that is, if we have jobs.

  7. Not sure I agree that closing a third of America’s energy plants will make some healthier. North Korea has virtually no power plants and they are the walking dead.

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