Hunter Biden Bragged About Smoking Crack With Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Bragged About Smoking Crack With Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry

the federalist-

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, bragged about smoking crack with former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry in a recording published by the Daily Mail on Friday.

“You know what, I actually smoked crack with Marion Barry, I swear to f***ng god,’” Hunter is heard on the recording in a 2019 conversation with an unnamed friend.



7 Comments on Hunter Biden Bragged About Smoking Crack With Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry

  1. Further proof that Washington, District of Corruption, should never become a State. It attracts drug addled miscreants and dishonest prostitutes who seduce and besmirch the reputations of most of the crooked politicians who live off the electorate. Sure, there are a few honest politicians who resist the temptation to become gluttonous thieves, but they get corrupted by that money from all those lobbyists if they stick around too long. Of course I’m just writing about the City Government. Don’t get me started on my opinion of the Federal Government’s politicians.

  2. His father bragged on national tv about getting a prosecutor in the Ukraine fired before the prosecutor could drop the hammer on both Bidens.

    Hunter is a pathetic, useless sleazeball. His father is worse: a pathetic, useless sleazeball who is also a traitor.


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