Hunter Biden Filmed Himself Doing Drugs While Detoxing at Wellness Center – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Filmed Himself Doing Drugs While Detoxing at Wellness Center

Breitbart: Video has emerged of Hunter Biden in January of 2019 filming himself doing drugs, drinking alcohol, and touching himself while detoxing at Blue Water Wellness in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Video from Hunter’s “laptop from hell” shows the “president’s exhibitionist son” bathing in a “trippy green light as he floats naked on his back and plays with himself,” the Daily Mail reported. The video shows Hunter leaving the tub to obtain a hard seltzer and “what appears to be a crack pipe before taking several hits and staring wild-eyed into the camera as ambient music plays softly in the background.”

Hunter entered the rehab center a month after he asked President Joe Biden for a loan to pay for rehabilitation. Despite making millions from corrupt business schemes, Hunter claimed in December of 2018 that he had no money with which to pay for rehab because of alimony payments.

“Hey dad I’ve been trying to resolve some immediate financial issues – alimony tuitions and my bill for this program but the cash I am counting on will not arrive until the end of the week,” Hunter texted. “Is it possible to make me another short term loan in the same amount and I will send it back no later than 10 days.”

“I’m really embarrassed to ask and I know it’s unfair of me to put you in that position right now,” Hunter continued.

Joe Biden, who has claimed his son Hunter is the smartest person he knows, told Hunter he would fund the detox and any needed alimony payments. more

15 Comments on Hunter Biden Filmed Himself Doing Drugs While Detoxing at Wellness Center

  1. Fuck outa’ here. Blue Water Wellness is no more a rehabilitation center than any other fronts for prostitution the filthy disgusting piece of shit was whore hopping in.

    Blue Water Wellness is a healing place for the
    mind and body.

    Finally, there is a place that combines one-stop personal empowerment technologies like IV amino acids, flotation therapy, infrared sauna and whole body vibration. Where have we been all your life, right? Well, we’re right here, right now, in downtown Newburyport.

    Our float room is like stepping into a completely private, miniature pool, in which you float effortlessly in warm water saturated with healing salts. Floating allows your mind and body to enter a state of profound relaxation. No noise, no light, no sound. Just you, disconnected from all environmental stress, drifting toward your most peaceful thoughts and emotions. The reported benefits of floating include decreasing the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline and increasing the production of uplifting endorphins, while stimulating left/right brain synchronization.

  2. Why does Hunter figure in any news? Just to rub our faces in the fact that our ‘betters’ lord it over us without consequence? Are you trying to foment action that would result in a purge of our elite at the hands of blood thirsty mobs?

    If this is NOT your aim, why isn’t it?

  3. Regardless of how much money this shitbag has wheedled out of people, he is a worthless piece of shit parasite with absolutely no redeeming social value! If a dumpster were able to puke its guts out it would be most likely due to someone tossing Hunter into it!

  4. This loser is thoroughly enamored with his Johnson. I haven’t seen a photo of him when he’s NOT wanking himself.
    Search the DSM for this perverted mental disorder. No descriptive symptoms listed. Just a pic of Hunter.


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