Hunter Biden Senate Report TOC is Interesting – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Senate Report TOC is Interesting

The table of contents is captivating.  Now on to reading, but I want to point out the TOC. – All Too Much

See the rest here

15 Comments on Hunter Biden Senate Report TOC is Interesting

  1. Comey could answer the apparent questions posed in each of those Sections the same way he protected Hillary….”yes, there were lies / corruption / payoffs / disinformation / misinformation / etc. / etc. but neither Joe Biden or Hunter Biden meant to do it.” And the MSM would dutifully report it.

  2. Assuming the fraudsters get the aged freak and his weird sidekick installed, the next four years could be a turkey shoot. This ain’t going to be Barky’s third term, for damned sure.

  3. they need to update the TOC to include chyna
    wonder who the old “hook nose jew” woman is with her dual citizenship and excellent chyna accent

    may as well ask these two old hag bags about this stuff too
    they’ve been in public office for about as long as the chyneeze speaker mentioned

  4. Biden DIRECTLY IMPLICATED then President Obama when he said to Ukraine officials: “You don’t believe me (that I have the authority to deny the $1 billion), just call the President”… 6 hrs later the guy was fired. This means that Obama knew and approved of this blackmail. The evil lying Democratic party!

  5. If Joe is removed from office, watch for Kamala to go before he does. This would then open the door for: President Pelosi (vomit). This is my theory, but remember that Agnew was removed before Nixon resigned.

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