Hunter Biden to Skip Court Appearance, Cites Coronavirus, Pregnant Wife – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden to Skip Court Appearance, Cites Coronavirus, Pregnant Wife

…As Hunter Biden is set to skip his court appearance this week, his father, 77-year-old Joe Biden, remains on the campaign trail amid the coronavirus outbreak ahead of Super Tuesday 2.0. read more

16 Comments on Hunter Biden to Skip Court Appearance, Cites Coronavirus, Pregnant Wife

  1. Can a court issue an order to detain Hunter and drag him into court? The entertainment value of having Brib’em jr. testify in open court as to the sources of his income just can’t be denied.

  2. Engelburka,

    I had an old Friend who was a huge Cowboys Fan…And We’d go back

    and forth over Football….I’d go two to three Months without

    seeing Him….and His first Words were always

    “Grass or Gravel?”

    He passed 10 Years ago..Hearing that phrase again made Me Smile Bigly

  3. He pretends he has to be there for the kid’s birth because he’s a concerned father. What a crock. First he denies paternity, then ducks out on child support. He’s no concerned father, he’s just trying to avoid getting dragged into court to keep daddy’s presidential hopes alive.

  4. He could have driven there in 3 days. No need to fly.
    He has a lot to hide and he is covering for dear old dad.
    It will all come out that he is rich as hell from ill gotten gains.

  5. So why can’t they set up a camera and have him do a live video appearance from his home? They do that all the time for criminals in less complex cases from prison interview rooms.


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