Hunter Biden’s Meth Mouth – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Meth Mouth

ht/ kpark

32 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Meth Mouth

  1. Once you see it you can’t unsee it…

    Ooooofa! He and his teeth are ROTTING quickly.

    Someone please tell me this will not backfire? Like he said, I hate these people, but just wondering?

    This is what happens when you fuck with Bannon and Rudy.

  2. Are these real?

    I honestly don’t know and have invested zero time on this little prick. Any pics I have seen were obviously severely air brushed promos that make him look much better, but this is severe.

  3. Speaking of mouths, that Savanna bish uses half the lipstick of a normal woman. She has no upper lip. About as unattractive as a meth mouth, it’s a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome.

  4. I have two fake teeth. My father and I went to the Vehicular Body and Paint shop and were talking to this dude. He’s a good cat. But he kept talking about his vacation. Dude. Get your teeth fixed.

    Spend that money on your teeth. Different strokes for different folks.

    Chip couldn’t hear a fucking hand grenade. He had to turn on the lights to “hear” people… and he often fucked it up.

    “No, I’ve never been to the moon…”

    “We know, but do you know room 212?”

    “Chip, put some batteries in your hearing shit.”

    “I have never been on the moon!”

  5. “^^^ and Eddie Van Halen”

    Eddie Van Halen had tongue cancer first. They radiated the hell out of him which kills your teeth. Especially anything enamel. Then he contracted throat cancer. More of the same. Where the fuck do you get off accusing him of being a crack head? You are a dick.

  6. Is he getting crowns put in? They drill your teeth to little nubs to use as a post or whatever. Seems like a sloppy job, though. Speaking of sloppy job, anyone know if stripper and kid are still okay?

  7. I’m a dentist so I can speak with some authority. Radiation kills your salivary glands and they stop making saliva. Dry mouth causes bacterial changes and eliminates the buffering of acids that cause tooth decay which would normally come from the saliva. That is what causes all the decay. The dry mouth is a key. So EVH would have a non-drug reason to need extensive dental treatment.

    Meth mouth is a combo of stuff. The mouth dries out. You don’t bother to take care of yourself, let alone your teeth. You crave sugary stuff which, through bacterial metabolism, causes more acid to be released into a dry environment. The teeth usually have black cavities and are fractured off. Humper doesn’t really appear to have meth mouth. It’s probably crack pipe mouth. Also, he’s in a dental office. Probably in the midst of treatment based on what I can see in the background. If so, the teeth may have been ground down to get them ready for crowns (caps). I can tell by the x-rays that are visible in the background that he’s had a lot of dental work done in the past. Comparing photos recently to those in the past one can tell he’s had his lower front teeth crowned. I couldn’t see a good recent photo of his upper front teeth, so I can’t offer an opinion on that. It seems very unlikely that he had his lowers done and not the uppers. The teeth in this photo look even worse than what they did before so I can’t imagine that they weren’t done too. I can tell you from experience that for some reason patients want to get a selfie of themselves in the middle of treatment with their teeth all ground down. My guess is that’s what he’s doing here.

  8. I’ve actually seen something worse. Someone I went to school with met a guy online (from Minnesota) and he came up here with plans to stay at her place. I’d tried to get my classmate to cancel these plans, but she was all for it and when he arrived he tried to pick a fight with me. When he opened his mouth I almost vomited because his teeth were all rotten and black. I couldn’t believe they hadn’t fallen out already. That, by the way, was before I even heard of meth mouth, so I don’t know if he’d been a druggie or what.

  9. Thank you for the professional explanation Cynic. At that stage of a treatment I’d be drifting so high on Nitrous it wouldn’t occur to take a selfie. My dentist knows my standing instructions for almost anything beyond cleaning are, “Set it to warp 9!”

  10. Awesome video: very few people I know have seen it.

    Google “Edie Van Halen – Catherine (5150 Studio)” 2010

    I am very happy that he came back from that due to his son and was able to play & tour for the last few years before the cancer got him.


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