Hunter Breaks with WH Team, Hires His Own Lawyers – IOTW Report

Hunter Breaks with WH Team, Hires His Own Lawyers

Fox News

According to an Axios report, Hunter Biden has “clashed” with top aides to President Biden over his legal defense strategy.

The report claimed Friday that “tensions” between Hunter Biden and President Biden’s aides over his legal defense have led Hunter Biden to hire a new lawyer for a more “combative approach” without consulting with his father’s legal advisers.

A former top Department of Justice spokesman noted that the younger Biden going rogue with his legal decisions and perhaps pushing past the “guardrails” that the president’s advisers would have him follow could be “a legitimate headache for the White House.” More

9 Comments on Hunter Breaks with WH Team, Hires His Own Lawyers

  1. I don’t understand
    he’s using lawyers supplied by the
    How is that? He isn’t, and wasn’t ever employed by the government. He was in the Navy, but got kicked out for cocaine use, but I don’t think that entitles him to anything.
    How does one break federal laws, then the feds investigate while the feds provide defense?
    Nothing wrong there
    kamala may really be running things

  2. I think that the DOJ will be watching closely over any legal team he assembles to be sure nothing bad happens to their boss in the White House. (God forbid) This news sounds like a false flag of distress, so they don’t take any flak for wasting more taxpayers money on a deluxe free legal team which they will anyway, but just behind the curtain of phony MSM news they have their people post as actual news/not.

  3. Maybe somewhere deep in Hunter’s drug addled brain he got a clue that dear old dad is old but not all that dear. It could also be that xiden’s advisors are more loyal to the Swamp than they are any particular swamp trash. There isn’t a single dimmocrat, not even hildabeast, with more visible baggage than xiden. It may be that the Swamp realizes they can’t pull off another 81 million vote fraud with such a piss poor human? being. They need a polished turd. Do you suppose it’s a gruesome newsom in our future?

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