Hunter Claimed Prostitutes and Sex Clubs as Business Expenses – IOTW Report

Hunter Claimed Prostitutes and Sex Clubs as Business Expenses

American Military News

Hunter Biden illegally reported payments to a prostitute and a sex club as business expenses on his taxes, according to IRS whistleblower testimony to Congress released on Thursday.

In an interview before the House Ways and Means Committee, one IRS criminal investigator turned whistleblower told lawmakers that Hunter avoided paying more than $100,000 in taxes by illegally reporting prostitutes and other sexual encounters as business expenses, the New York Post first reported. More

21 Comments on Hunter Claimed Prostitutes and Sex Clubs as Business Expenses

  1. what rattles my mind: nobody is pointing out the fact that a Biden had a gun, and is on video smoking crack

    the senior demon in the family wrote the federal crack laws. the media does not go “hey…”

  2. Garland: “Some have chose to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy…

  3. Once again:

    Bombardier executives out of Quebec did that YEARS AGO.

    Tested for Human/Media Consumption in Canada & Australia first before adaptation in the USA.

    Cheers, I’m just the canary in the coal mine trying to warn everyone.

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