Hunter of young girls – IOTW Report

Hunter of young girls

Giuliani Gives Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive to Delaware State Police Over Photos of Underage Girls, Inappropriate Texts.

This story is developing… and so are the girls. – bfh

Gateway Pundit-

Giuliani said that Biden, according texts sent to his sister in law, on numerous occasions face timed a 14 year old girl while naked and on crack cocaine.


ht/ jerry manderin

21 Comments on Hunter of young girls

  1. It seems the Mac store guy offered the Hunter computer to many supposedly conservative news outlets, including John Solomon, Sara Carter, Fox News, and more. All turned it down. I guess the New York Post, Daily Mail, and iOTW is where we get the news now.

  2. We’ve all watched Biden being very inappropriate with little girls with the cameras rolling, Lord only knows what he does behind closed doors. So more than likely his son grew up with this, hell maybe he was abused as well, the reason for his drug addiction.
    Demoncrats are evil people.

    Hopefully this totally sinks his campaign, hopefully people will connect the dots and sink the demon party all together, then we need to make sure we start sinking the evil ones in the Republican party.

    I have some hope again for our country, hopefully it won’t end up dashed again.

  3. Trump is cutting their supply of Drugs and Young Girls. Even Slick Willie is having to cut back. When all the peasants are a commodity, they can use them as they see fit. Kinda sounds like slavery.

    President Trump Is Fighting Hard Against Sex Trafficking, and the Mainstream Media Hates It

  4. The crackhead was banging his dead brothers wife, and his dead brothers 14 year old daughter. Just let that sink in.

    What was Joe the Dope up to with the little girls?

  5. 1. I don’t believe any news unless twitter and facebook have banned it.

    2. Tell me he he has a back up of everything, he didn’t just give everything to the FBI and police, only to have them sit on it?

  6. Proof the FBI is a totally corrupt institution as if we need proof any federal agency has not been corrupted after the Magic half Negro left..

    They had this laptop for over a year and sat on it, just as they sat on Weiner’s laptop.

    The federal government is corrupt from top to bottom.

    Pedo was right about one thing, we are literally fighting for this nations soul this election.

  7. I’m shocked the FBI has not conducted a 3am raid on Giuliani’s home for possession of Hunter Biden’s hard drive, er, I mean possession of lewd images of minors.

    FIB’s gonna fib.


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