Hunter Plays Chicken with House Oversight – IOTW Report

Hunter Plays Chicken with House Oversight

Just the News

Hunter Biden has agreed to appear before the Oversight Committee, but on one condition: that the hearing be held in public. Chairman Comer responded in a posting on X, saying Biden must appear for a closed door deposition first, and offered to let him testify publicly at a later date, setting up a showdown between Congressional investigators and the first son. More

11 Comments on Hunter Plays Chicken with House Oversight

  1. …..rumor had it that Hunter committed suicide months ago.

    Makes me suspect of everything I see anymore. I did however see Joe Biden scratch his neck exposing some interesting characteristic.

  2. any day now I’m expecting the repugnicans to impose Double Secret Probation! … that’ll scare ’em!

    every time these asshole junior d’rats get in charge they slo-walk every important issue until the election campaigns start up & then make excuses why they can’t do it in election season …. same ol’ same ‘ol … since Nixon

  3. all players … place your bets, place your bets!

    I’m throwing down a million iOTW bucks that there will be no inditements, no censures, no criminal charges, no perp walk & no jail for any member of the Biden Crime Family …. EVER!!! … by the Congress of the United States

    & tomorrow they are throwing out a repugnican for doing what all members of congress do … they didn’t even throw out Barney Frank for fixing over 200 parking tickets in front of his Georgetown ‘bungalow’ where his ‘boy toy’ was running a homosexual prostitution ring
    …. but a repugnican? Oh, the Horror! … gimme a frickin’ break ……. ‘Hearings’? … can’t wait for Jim Jordan to roll up his sleeves … lmao

    so done w/ these linguine-spined azzwipes that are ‘on our side’ … wake up!


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