Hunter Told Archer They Needed “Burner Phones” – IOTW Report

Hunter Told Archer They Needed “Burner Phones”

UK Daily Mail

Hunter Biden told his ‘best friend’ Devon Archer to get a burner phone, three days before Archer met with then-VP Joe Biden at the White House, shocking emails show.

‘Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same,’ Hunter wrote in the explosive April 13, 2014 message.

Days later Archer would meet with Joe in the West Wing, White House records show, and he and Hunter would announce their board seats at allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma later that month. More

7 Comments on Hunter Told Archer They Needed “Burner Phones”

  1. More and more criminals are being caught using burner phones, and Humper is no exception. How stupid is he? The Gilgo Beach serial killer used burner phones – one way he got caught. Even videos of him buying them. Archer sounds like he’s trying to take the Biden’s down. Guess he figures if he’s going down, the Biden’s aren’t skating.


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