Hunter Willing to Force Joe into Court to Avoid Prison – IOTW Report

Hunter Willing to Force Joe into Court to Avoid Prison

Red State

According to Hunter Biden’s lawyers, if the DOJ charged Hunter Biden with a gun crime (which was by far the most dangerous for the president’s son as far as possible prison time), they would force Joe Biden to testify and bring about a “constitutional crisis.” More

18 Comments on Hunter Willing to Force Joe into Court to Avoid Prison

  1. If Hunter were my son, I would disown the bastard and let him go to hell on his own merits. I wouldn’t be covering for his ass knowing that he’d stab me in the back and blame me for how fucked up he is. Which is true in Hunter’s case.

  2. What is the Retarded Pedophile’s direct knowledge of son Hunter’s gun crime?
    And where is this alleged “Constitutional Crisis?” We’re not using it, any more, anyway, so who GsAF?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. To protect one criminal they were willing to drop charges against another, but hey it’s all among members of the same criminal family (and I mean that in terms of ruling class democrats).

  4. The other thing and the most important thing is their absolute hatred of God. That’s at the root of all their lying, cheating, stealing, bsing etc. They shall have no other gods before them but our God, the real saviour will have the last laugh at their expense.

  5. Hunter won’t be willing to go to jail for Joe ?

    How tragic, worthy of a Shakespearean play

    Hunter, in the frantic pursuit of drugee prostitutes

    Winds up convicting his father of treason

    To payoff the dealers of his ( supposedly }
    former drug habit

    Everybody honorably ending their lives


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