Hunter’s Art Dealer Paints Ugly Picture of Corruption to House Investigators – IOTW Report

Hunter’s Art Dealer Paints Ugly Picture of Corruption to House Investigators

Washington Examiner

[Art Dealer Georges] Berges confirmed this was the case and testified that he did not tell Hunter Biden who any of the buyers were. However, Hunter Biden was aware of the identities of some people who purchased roughly 70% of the value of his art, including [democrat donors] [Kevin] Morris and [Elizabeth Hirsh] Naftali, according to a source.

The White House has remained adamant that they had nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s art sales, nor did they know who the buyers were. More

7 Comments on Hunter’s Art Dealer Paints Ugly Picture of Corruption to House Investigators

  1. lawyers take clients on contingent. In the Biden case, contingent could mean whatever future government largesse that can be directed to the law firm of said mouthpiece when the big guys cheats his way back into office.

  2. We shall know that Hunter Biden has “made it” when grocery stores start giving out free prints of his art with a minimum food purchase of a thousand or so of Biden Binge Bucks.

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