Hunter’s Hard Drive Contains “12 Minute Raunchy Video” Of Him With a Prostitute While Smoking Crack – IOTW Report

Hunter’s Hard Drive Contains “12 Minute Raunchy Video” Of Him With a Prostitute While Smoking Crack

Daily Caller

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden allegedly made a “raunchy” video and was seen in numerous “sexually explicit images,” a new report released Wednesday from the New York Post alleges.

A laptop computer which allegedly belonged to Biden was turned into a Delaware computer shop back in April 2019, according to the report. The computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December.

However, the shop owner allegedly made a copy of the findings and turned it over to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello. Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Donald Trump,  told The Post about the hard drive in late September, and Giuliani allegedly gave The Post a copy of the items Sunday. More

18 Comments on Hunter’s Hard Drive Contains “12 Minute Raunchy Video” Of Him With a Prostitute While Smoking Crack

  1. The fbi had this since last December? The shop owner should be commended for his fine investigative and police work. The fbi should be ashamed once again. They are an absolute embarrassment!

  2. “The computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December.”

    …the FIBBIES are still in seize and bury any evidence against Democrats mode, I see, I notice we did NOT learn of the existence of this from THEM…

  3. From the article:

    “However, it’s unclear from the report who the woman allegedly seen in the video is and what relation – if any – she has with Biden”

    Probably because you couldn’t see her face. I wonder if she was Chinese?

  4. Would this be during Director Wray’s time as head of the FBI? Looks like he has decided to protect his tenure in case Obiden gets elected, since he must know he’s going to be locked out of his office on November 4th if President Trump gets re-elected.

  5. “Hunter how many times have I told you, you’re supposed to smash those hard drives with a hammer, douse it in lighter fluid and ignite? The next time you pawn your laptop for a crack hit, do what I tell you to. If you need more instructions on this call Hillary.“

  6. Joe Btfsplk OCTOBER 14, 2020 AT 2:52 PM
    “If the Clintons had a son, his name would be Hunter”

    …and if Obama had a son…it would be a frickin’ MIRACLE because a homosexual man cannot have a baby with a man dressed as a woman no matter HOW hard the dude in the dress pushes…

  7. How did Giuliani trick Hunter into doing this?

    The “news” is saying it’s all fake (not the “news” – the data).

    Barr and Durham are proving to be pretty fuckin worthless, aren’t they?
    We knew Wray was a filthy fuckin traitor from the get-go.

    Solomon and Fitton need to dust off their spelunker gear.

    izlamo delenda est …


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