Hunter’s Memos – IOTW Report

Hunter’s Memos

What an absolute disgusting mess he is.

August 14, 2018 – Hallie & Hunter Late Night Chat
September 01, 2018 – Ramblings in the car
September 03, 2018 – Lonely Rambling in a vehicle
October 25, 2018 Hunter and Craig discussing Joe Biden possible run.
January 05, 2019 Discussion about death in his family, Martin Luther King doing coke and more.
January 07, 2019 – Hunter Biden claims to be the personification of terror.
January 26, 2019 – Haiku or Reality?
December 31, 2019 Hunter Discussing his REHAB

13 Comments on Hunter’s Memos

  1. So let me get this straight, 🤔 we have a demented pedo who stole an election as The Fake President, a slut for Vice, and numerous mob boss family members catering favors to The Communist Chinese, what could possibly go wrong? 🤨

    Add the 🎪 circus freaks for his administration and what we have here, is a recipe for destruction of a country planned purposefully.

    Lord please come quickly. 🕊️❤️🙏

  2. Not my President.
    Life is precious life is short. None of my life will be wasted supporting this evil worthless US government. All of it belongs the the Evil One, iow SATAN.

    Their stolen wealth, including pensions off the backs of decent honest humble people, can weigh them down to drown in an ocean of their own filth.
    Self-important Senators, FBI worker bees, I don’t give a shit they are all dog shit to me.

  3. I think that kid ‘hunter’ that he mentions in the first recording is actually his son. I don’t think that kid is his brother’s. Think about it, he and his sister in law were seen together just after Beau died. Which means they were cheating while his bro was sick.


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