Hurricane Aftermath – IOTW Report

Hurricane Aftermath

…Then silence. No birds. No frogs. No crickets. No sound.

CTH: As many long-time readers will know, we do have a little bit more than average experience dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes. I ain’t no expert in the before part; you need to heed the local, very local, professionals who will guide you through any preparation, and neighborhood specific guidelines, for your immediate area.

But when it comes to the ‘after part’, well, as a long-time CERT recovery member perhaps I can guide you through the expectation and you might find some value. Consider this little word salad a buffet, absorb what might be of value pass over anything else.

When the winds reach around 40mph, the utility company will likely, proactively, shut down the power. This makes things a heck of a lot safer in the aftermath; and much easier and safer during the rebuild. Don’t expect the power to be turned back on until it is safe.

Hurricanes can be frightening; downright scary. There’s nothing quite like going through a few to reset your outlook on just how Mother Nature can deliver a cleansing cycle to an entire geographic region.

Telephone and power poles, yes, even the concrete ones, can, and likely will, snap like toothpicks. There’s a sound when you are inside a hurricane that you can never forget. It ain’t a howl, it’s a roar. A damn scary roar that just won’t quit…. it will… eventually, but at the time you are hearing it, it doesn’t seem like it will ever end. more here

15 Comments on Hurricane Aftermath

  1. I was awakened during Irma by the sound of two large trees in our front yard going down, fortunately not towards the house. Then 8 days with no power. We have since bitten the bullet and had a whole house generator installed. Not going through that again.

  2. I’ve been through two Typhoons (actually got arrested for playing Golf

    during Typhoon Holly ROK)

    And at least 12 Hurricanes in the last 10 years..

    Buy Beer , and Food…don’t wait for the G to save You…

  3. I read sundance’s piece last night and thought it was very good. I’ve been through a couple of hurricanes, and obviously he has, too, and knows what he’s talking about. If you didn’t know your neighbors very well before the storm, the recover aftermath is a great time to fix that!

  4. A natural divisnation, *shit happens”. Those that are so worried, just chose there own way. ‘Cause politicians do not care. Say they care yet do NOT! The less you collect from lifelong taxes paid being withheld, more for them,,,Childish bi-Parisian shirts vs skins. Distraction added pissing game, distance or target?

  5. It was the first time I heard absolute
    silence in an urban enviro.All the people
    bugged out for Rita cause they saw what
    Katrina did.My buddy & family spent 16 hours in
    their car in traffic to go 26 miles.They just
    turned around and went back home.I watched the “show”
    on TV everyday drinking cold beer in my lazyboy!

  6. @RADIOATIONMAN, etc.: And that bugout cost more lives than the actual storm took. That’s why a lot of people didn’t bug out for Ike, which turned out to be a bad decision on their part.

    Bottom line: You never know what the right choice is going to be. You were lucky in yours.

    I used to stay for all the storms when I was younger; now I don’t. If I even have to go through another hurricane aftermath like Ike, I’ll probably consider moving further inland.

    Until then…well, just roll those dice.

  7. Yeah, really not thrilled here.. 35 miles inland in a very, very rural area between two major rivers but I’ve got 55′ of elevation going for me.
    Power just went out, again, but I think for the last time.
    We are well stocked so if we survive this bitch we expect to be here for at least 3 weeks before we can all get out to resupply.. Lots of chainsaws and tractors and a few boats but I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat.
    I don’t expect the cell towers to last very long so coms will be non existent, likely by morning.

    It’s been real, its been fun, if you haven’t seen me in the next month or so, you’ll have a pretty good idea why..

  8. Great article. Very accurate. I’ve survived Fran, Floyd and Ugo hurricanes so I know how to prepare and deal with aftermath. Fran was pretty fierce – lots of damage. Not only did it roar, it had high pitched whistles. Real quiet after. Had fun “camping” with son who was around 9 yrs. old. We cooked hot dogs and canned bean using candles. Power outage lasted 5 days.

    Now facing Florence which is tearing up the NC coast. She’s slow rolling and causing lots of flooding. I’m in good shape with plenty of supplies/shelter.

    By some miracle, Florence is going around my location and only expecting heavy rain and some wind. God is awesome. Also Florence is at Cat. 1. and stalling, which is the real issue.

    In fact, Coastal residents are in hotels here in central NC. More hurricanes out in the Atlantic – it ain’t over yet.

  9. Thanks for the on the ground report 99th Squad Leader. Your comment was more visually descriptive than the idiot reporters that stand out on the beaches.

    We have been having extremely beautiful weather here in fairly close proximity to Lake Michigan. DH is a weather buff, and he explained that we are in the high pressure area that is up against the low pressure of the hurricane. I tried to bargain with God to give us rain if He would dissipate Florence.

    Prayers for all in the path and effects of Florence.

    Glad you are prepared. Stay safe and God bless you and yours.


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