Hurricane Ida recovery: Biden’s FEMA ‘missing in action’ – IOTW Report

Hurricane Ida recovery: Biden’s FEMA ‘missing in action’


Ever since Hurricane Ida ripped his small Louisiana town apart, David Camardelle has called FEMA “federal emergency missing in action.”

The storm made landfall Aug. 29 with winds up to 150 mph near Port Fourchon, about 10 miles southwest of Grand Isle and Camardelle’s home. A month later, dozens of residents whose homes were destroyed live in communal shelters and lack the resources they need to begin rebuilding.

Grand Isle, the state’s last inhabited barrier island, is home to about 1,000 full-time residents. It’s also part of Jefferson Parish, which includes the Greater New Orleans area.  

“It just takes a while,” said Camardelle, shouting over the sounds of a generator still needed to deliver power to Grand Isle City Hall.

“Joe Biden and all the administration, they’re trying their best, but in the meantime, somebody’s paperwork is sitting on a desk,” Camardelle, the town’s Democratic mayor, told Fox News. “You don’t need 20 people, 25 people between a FEMA trailer to give you the keys.” more

11 Comments on Hurricane Ida recovery: Biden’s FEMA ‘missing in action’

  1. I hate to break this to the good people of Lousiana, but the commiecrats running the show HATE YOU!! If you don’t live in a huge, dirty, leftist run city, they aren’t going to lift a finger to help you. Come to think of it, even if you DO live in a huge, dirty, leftist run city, they STILL don’t don’t give a crap about you either.

  2. This is gonna be a long-ass post that will make SNS sit back in awe.

    We live on the Northshore of Lake Pontchartrain. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people SW of NOLA. They have it far worse than we do.
    *Yuge trees and power lines down everywhere.
    *We were fortunate and didn’t lose our home. Shitton of branches, leaves and debris in our yard. “I’m old. I ain’t rakin’ up all that shit. Screw it, the mowers got a mulching blade.”
    *We were eight days without power. Power went out 3:55 pm Sunday. Came back 7:30 pm the following Sunday.
    *Our cell phone bandwidth was cut back by cell providers, so zero internet access, zero calling, no texting. Texting barely came back on Wednesday.
    *Morning after Ida’s worst, we had to drive 35 miles to a parish hospital just to sit in the parking lot to text our families “WE ARE ALIVE”. That was the only place with ANY signal strength showing one bar.
    *Lost all our food in our fridge and our chest freezer. Out easily $500+
    *on Tuesday a friend loaned us his generator and an AC window unit. He told us to keep it until Nov 30, the end of hurricane season.
    *No city water.
    *No cable internet.
    *On Tuesday we waited in line 120 minutes to refuel our pickup and fill a bunch of gas jugs for the generator. We saw repeated attempts by people trying to cut in line. I’m next going to state facts here, not opinions. The white line cutters would drive away after getting told to go to the back of the line. The black line cutters talked back, yelled back, threatened back. Some actually were let in line by chickenshits. Two gangbanger cars arrived. The one cutting in at the middle wasn’t successful. But the one cutting in at the head of the line would have been successful because they waved a gun at the gas attendant, an old lady. But Slidell police showed up just then and told the gasholes to GTFO or go to jail.
    **FEMA LIED ON TV. FLAT OUT LIED. They said everyone in the affected Parishes (counties) would get a $500 FEMA card or direct depo – EVERYONE.

    (to be Continued)

  3. (continued)
    Here’s the FACTS about FEMA’s televised lies.
    1) it’s $500 per household, not per adult person in the household. I would have been okay with that because it would have covered a good chunk of our out of losses. But…
    2) FEMA doesn’t cover loss of refrigerated or frozen foods. Your insurance company covers that BUT our insurance has a $500 deductible. Still screwed.
    3) FEMA decreed that if you didn’t evacuate you don’t get shit. Zip. Nada. My wife had never experienced a hurricane before let alone a Cat 4 barrelling down on us. She was scare shitless so I had her evacuate until Monday afternoon to friends who live north of us. But I stayed because I know from numerous hurricanes in FLorida to expect looters to ooze out from the big cities, “commuting to work” so to speak. So FEMA says even though one of us evacuated the fact that I stayed to guard our shit rendered us ineligible.

    I figured I would contact my Congresscritters to see if they had any ideas or advice to get past this bureaucratic BULLSHIT. Congressman Steve Scalise’s staff never once responded to my calls (got voicemail every time) nor to my emails. Same for the RINO Backstabber Senator Bill Cassidy – fuckin’ crickets from that asshole.

    However, I emailed Senator John Kennedy this week and got a detailed response in less than one hour. I haven’t had time to look at it but I’m hopeful.

    (to paraphrase Biden*) Here’s the thing. With Hurricane Katrina in 2005, other than the corrupt incompetent Army Corpse of Engineers fucking up and allowing barges to be tied up to NOLA levees, causing them to fail and flood the festering Third World Shithole called New Orleans, Katrina was LESS damaging to SE Louisiana than Hurricane Ida was. FACT. But because there was a Republican in the Whitehouse, the MSM and the corrupt Louisiana politicians beat Bush like a drum and conned him into throwing hundreds of billions at NOLA. Native Louisianans still call it “The Great Giveaway”. A cornucopia of free shit. And because a Republican was running things, eventually FEMA got its shit together and genuine assistance flowed in.

    But this time around? An incompetent corrupt Democrat administration headed up by a senile decrepit old paedophile is in the White House. FACT: FEMA never once showed up in our little town to render any aid. NOTHING. Our town is so small that we don’t have any blinking yellow lights, let alone a stoplight. But you know what happened? All our town churches and town businesses and the town firehouse got together and fed town residents a hot meal once a day and then twice a day. They did this out of their own pockets and I guarantee you Biden* will not reimburse them and he’ll even find a way to fuck them over for showing how incompetent and corrupt the goddam Gummint actually is.

    A tiny minority of you will say “you should have been better prepared”, “you should have had a genset and fuel”, “you should have had MRE’s on hand”, “you should have had an emergency $10,000 cash stash on hand” – to every one of you I say FUCK YOU. YOU go and try living on a tight income in a state that has 10% sales tax, 6% income tax and massive corruption by both Democrat AND Republican politicians. The only difference is the Republicans are slightly less incompetent. BFH and Oleg Atbashian both know me very well, going on 20 yrs now I would say. I am not the typical LoFo looking for handouts of Free Shit Cuz It’s Owed To Me. But a single $500 payment to our household would have covered most of our losses from lost food, generator gas and bags & bags of ice. But in Ida’s aftermath, we’ve had to exhaust our savings for flood insurance & property taxes that we save up for every year. FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN* and FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR HIM OR RIGGED EXTRA VOTES FOR BIDEN*. F U C K Y O U!!


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