Hurricane Season a Big Let Down for Climate Alarmist – IOTW Report

Hurricane Season a Big Let Down for Climate Alarmist

USA Today

“The Atlantic tropics are broken – for now,” said meteorologist Ryan Maue on X Sunday, adding that developing storms near Africa are encountering at least one problem: “Ocean temperatures at this latitude are way too cool to sustain a rain shower.”

Hurricanes need warm ocean water to thrive like cars need fuel to run, and while the ocean is plenty warm in many areas, it’s not where the storms are developing right now.

Klotzbach also said that while some large-scale meteorological patterns are favoring storm formation, others are acting to prevent storms from forming. More

5 Comments on Hurricane Season a Big Let Down for Climate Alarmist

  1. We’ve been paying good money for weather manipulation. Where do we get a refund? Bill Fucking Gates? Oh yeah, when he wanted our blessing for his hairbrained ideas he called us everyday, we can’t get a hold of him now. Anyone have his number?


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