Husband Of Dem In Impeachment Hearings Took $700K From Firms Tied To Ukrainian Oligarch ‘Accused Of Ordering Contract Killings’: Reports – IOTW Report

Husband Of Dem In Impeachment Hearings Took $700K From Firms Tied To Ukrainian Oligarch ‘Accused Of Ordering Contract Killings’: Reports

DW: The husband of Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, reportedly took $700,000 from firms connected to a Ukrainian oligarch who has allegedly been “accused of ordering contract killings.”

[…] “When you work for a guy like that, you know what you’re dealing with,” said Edward Chow, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “There should be no illusion of what you’re dealing with, even if the business you have to conduct for him in the United States is completely clean. You know where the wealth came from. There should be no reason not to know, because everyone knows.”

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10 Comments on Husband Of Dem In Impeachment Hearings Took $700K From Firms Tied To Ukrainian Oligarch ‘Accused Of Ordering Contract Killings’: Reports

  1. Who knew that a little country like Ukraine was nothing but a bank for crooked democrats. That’s the story of the decade and all the press wants to do is hide from the public. WOW!

  2. Those foreign voting ̶b̶r̶i̶b̶e̶s̶ incentives are getting more lucrative by the day. The Ukraine gravy train, with Hunter running the locomotive and his daddy collecting tickets. All aboard!!

  3. Surely, you can’t hold people responsible for the activities of people they share accounts with! Let alone government created entities that only exist to funnel money under a different, legal, entity’s name!

    That’s not Judeo-Christian!

  4. The wife in her position would know about the suspicions surrounding this Igor Kolomoisky character and that the FBI was investigating him and yet hubby still kept making the big bucks. If this guy is proved to run a criminal organization can’t the money being paid to her lawyer husband be subject to seizure? How much of that money ended up in her campaign? If hubby is this guys US lawyer shouldn’t he also be under investigation as well as the good Congresswoman herself if only to make sure her name is cleared.


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