Hypnotizing a Rooster – IOTW Report

Hypnotizing a Rooster

I’m such a city boy. I thought this was some kind of prank being pulled on their friend with a trained rooster. Nope.

It’s a real thing.

25 Comments on Hypnotizing a Rooster

  1. How can anyone not know that?

    That ranks right alongside how to put a Horny Toad (Great Horned Lizard) to sleep as something every by should have learned before they were 7.

  2. Unrelated, but I’m going to tell you anyways 🙂

    2 nights ago, the world’s largest giant owl (I’m not exaggerating) killed 2 of my chickens. It terrorized them in the backyard for a good 30 minutes (I have it on security footage), from 9pm till 9:30pm. I usually lock the coup at 9pm, but was late this night and didn’t get out until 9:30. One chicken was running out of the coup and the owl swooped in like a dart and tumbled it across the yard (all on camera). When I scared it at 9:30, it flew to the neighbors tree and screamed at me for a good half hour while I rounded up the other chickens and removed the dead ones. Man was that thing pissed; I was fearing it would come try to take my head off. It was a true monster!

    It’s probably wise to stop with the chickens around here for a while. In the years I’ve had chickens, the amount of wild life they have attracted it a bit much. About 15 squirrels have taken up residence in the immediate area that drive the dog insane, a herd of about 150 chickadees come in every morning, a family of opossums work their way into the egg boxes, skunks that spray the dog, a few foxes that kill chickens, my neighbor reported a bobcat was on the fence eyeing the coup, and 4 raccoons dig under the coup and take all the chicken feed… and now an owl for the record books.

  3. @geoff the aardvark, Not sure about that, but fairly certain just about every city cop would be circling the area had there been a firearm discharge in the neighborhood. A break barrel .177 pellet gun at 1100 fps turns heads around here. A subsonic .22LR would be best. Both would just put a tiny hole in the owls wing, further pissing it off, loll.

  4. Fun fact: You can hypnotize Lobsters and pose them on their heads too. You know, while you’re waiting for the water to boil. Don’t forget the melted butter…

    BTW, all birds of prey are protected, even Vultures. Fines run around $1000 IIRC

  5. Shoot. Wish I’d known that a long time ago. Had relatives that kept chickens and had one mean rooster that would go after anyone with white shoes on. I don’t know what was up with that thing, but he absolutely hated on any hapless visitor with the unfortunate footwear. Now I’m wondering if they all knew about the line and just didn’t tell me, or what. They’re all gone now, so I can’t get after them for it.

  6. ECP…I must have been drunk…I don’t remember eyeballing the


    My Brother and Sister on consecutive years, did the Chicken Hypno

    at High School for Science Class….When I attended the Class a year

    later…The Teacher said “don’t even think about it”

    When the Chicken wakes up…It drops a large load.

  7. I am going to put this up here late so AA will not see it.
    The Title should have been Hypnotizing a Cock.
    All of us guys have been there,and they know how to do it.

  8. You lay a hen on her back, throw a towel over her head and she’ll lay still for as long as you need. Gives you time for a physical checkup or minor surgery. I suppose it works on a roo too.


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