Hypocrite John Kerry is a Massive Walking Carbon Footprint – IOTW Report

Hypocrite John Kerry is a Massive Walking Carbon Footprint

20 Comments on Hypocrite John Kerry is a Massive Walking Carbon Footprint

  1. Time for my RegisteredⓇ Rant –

    Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the phony-baloney, not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, Jihad Coddling, Moisturizing Metrosexual Precognitive Meteorologist, Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome, still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune pedaling the false narrative Global Warming while investing in beach-front property while doing his best to be a swindling Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite!

  2. It is obvious he’s not buying into the Globaloney Warming Bullshit Scam.
    But then, none of the assholes pushing it “believe” in it – that’s for the moronic minions.
    Just like socialism, communism, izlam, and all the other false religions out there – the high priests know it’s bullshit – but that doesn’t stop them from issuing diktats and collecting money.

    Hell will be a little bit poorer when Kerry gets there.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Whoa Nelly!! Little Johnny Heinz sez he’s important, plus he buys carbon offset credits so everything is A-OK. The rest of you peons need to start taking the bus or riding a bike.


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