This fraud’s face bothers me – IOTW Report

This fraud’s face bothers me

Isn’t that sad?

Time just named this fraud as one of the 30 most influential teens of 20151492881164336432935

17 Comments on This fraud’s face bothers me

  1. “The little bastard should have been arrested and permanently deported for influencing future jihadi terrorist bombers.”

    He’ll get his, eventually. He may not even have to wait that long.

  2. Gotta love the picture on TIME. What’s Clockmed going to do solder his thumb to the board? Who solders that way, so much wrong. It just shows how little he knows, pulling electronics out of clocks and computers from his fathers computer business, finding plugs that match and calling it his invention. And the “Don’t Judge” T-Shirt is classic. In other words, “Shut Up, Racist!”

  3. Time stopped being relevant decades ago. It was official when, in 2012 Time ‘reported’ that Obama won because he was able to motivate the “Low Information Voter” to come out in mass and vote.

    Now they are hailing Clockmed? Why am I not surprised.

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