I Admire Hawley, But I Am Sick of Dress Downs At Hearings to No Avail – IOTW Report

I Admire Hawley, But I Am Sick of Dress Downs At Hearings to No Avail

15 Comments on I Admire Hawley, But I Am Sick of Dress Downs At Hearings to No Avail

  1. Instead of saying, as they all do ,”You are a disgrace and should resign”, I would prefer all Republican senators finish their questioning the same way,”This is what happens when you put Democrats in charge; our streets are unsafe, our border is wide open, our dollar is losing value, everything costs more, world tyrants are emboldened, and our citizens are genuinely afraid for our future. I hope people are paying attention because you are the by-product of failed leadership”.

  2. Mr. Hat,
    He’s not allowed to kill them.
    But the Senate CAN impeach them, and remove them from office.
    AND then Republican DAs can prosecute them.

    But, of course, that’s too much like actually DOING something – and the press might throw boogers at them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When the roar of a righteous mob rending these evil fucks drowns out the useless bombast, change has arrived. Till then, nothing changes. Really wish there was an alternative, but evil doesn’t bargain.

  4. Couldn’t agree more. Story is always the same: Republican, who is genuinely a good guy, nails Democrat and exposes them. But what happens? Nothing! Nothing EVER happens. By contrast, the Democrats assembled a Communist Kangaroo Court, ignored evidence, made up charges and threw hundreds in jail!

  5. Ben Sasse and Trey Gowdy were addicted to that showboat bullshit. Where are they now, and what did they accomplish? Cut it out, Josh. It grows tiresome without any results and eventually makes you look like a bitch. Don’t become another Lindsey Graham.


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