I agree with the Judge who orders halal meals for incarcerated ’93 World Trade Center bomber… Hear Me Out! – IOTW Report

I agree with the Judge who orders halal meals for incarcerated ’93 World Trade Center bomber… Hear Me Out!

I’m sure there are those that are outraged that a judge has granted a terrorist the right to be served halal meals in jail. I’m not.

This guy blew up the World Trade Center in 1993.

The judge has said, in effect, that being a murderous bastard is not in conflict with being a devout Muslim. The two are not mutually exclusive, they are mutually inclusive.

Thank you Judge!!

45 Comments on I agree with the Judge who orders halal meals for incarcerated ’93 World Trade Center bomber… Hear Me Out!

  1. Naaaaaaaa. Treat them like the devout authentic Muslims they are while in jail for murder, driving home the point that devout Muslims are murderers.

    Koran, halal, Muhammad, Allah, death row…. they all go hand in hand.

  2. Humm, great point! As long as it’s on someone else’s dime. Let them eat the shit of their choice. No need to be a heartless bastard. Yet, also no need to keep their worthless ass here. You are not a citizen, you have no citizens rights unless you may supply a vote for scum. Red tide, you non complying bitches!

  3. An old Air Force buddy of mine was the prison chaplain at the prison where the Blind “Sheek” was kept. My buddy was a very trusting sort and tried to see good in everyone. The prison officials had to drill into him that the blind bastard was to never, never, ever be trusted. It was explained that he would try to establish a rapport with someone and attempt to kill that person if they ever let their guard down. After all, it was his duty as a filthy Muslim dog.

  4. The major objection should be that Halal practices are horrific and brutal. The animals in question suffer needlessly and in many cases, the people who are slaughtering the animals are sadistic. I could cite link after link, but you guys can Google it or go to http://barenakedislam.com/?s=%22Halal+Slaughter%22 and pick one.

    Every time you buy Halal, some of the money gets funneled off to some terrorist supporting group like the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Islamic dietary law allows them to eat kosher food (which is actually more restrictive as to types of allowable foods and more humane to the animals being consumed). The only conflict is with alcohol and I don’t think they are serving Manischewitz wine in prisons these days.

    Screw the Muslims by making them support old Hasidic Jews who run kosher slaughter houses for the rest of their existences knowing that some of that money is buying Israel bonds.

  5. Maybe I missed something, BFH’s story on this was not about food, but about a contradiction and a good point that a judge picked up regarding being Muslim and likewise, being of the murderous mind.

    But you people talk about food??? OK, You greatly hijacked an excellent point!

  6. Fag: frequently agitated gangster
    BTW, is there any name gayer than BRAD?
    Hiiii Brad, can I borrow your Spanish loafers?

    Brad called me a fag BFH, can you ban him?

    Brad, you really don’t want any of this.
    You are outclassed every time.
    It’s best when we band together.
    Oh well, I enjoy a good fight, albeit unfair with my intellectual advantage.

  7. Loco,
    BFH’s story on this was not about food, but about a contradiction and a good point that a judge picked up regarding being Muslim and likewise, being of the murderous mind, and yet, you continue to talk about food. You must be hungry.

  8. Your such a tough guy Loco. reality would make you shit. I don’t comment here to be attacked. But I have two little insecure fags that live for it. In the long run my fault. None the less, real fucking boring.

  9. Meerkat, that point is not lost on me.

    However, please tell me how big of a dent it will make in the MSM oppressed muzzie narrative?
    Zip, zero, nada.

    Oooh, the judge is clever. So what?
    The rat bastard gets HIS FUCKING WISH GRANTED!



  10. Loco, perhaps BigFurhat’s posting will never have an inch of a view on you, or a positive effect, or a change in society. But you, see. It already did, on me. And besides you, I already want to talk and share this with someone close to me in my life about this. Maybe others?

  11. What exactly do you think you will accomplish Meerkat?
    Gee, we can acquiesce as long as we insult them in the process?

    Hell, insult me all the way to the bank if I get what I want.
    I’m confused. You act as if this is some fantastic revelation and not simply an exercise in futility where a cold blooded killer is given everything he wants.

    Cold blooded muzzie: 1
    Judge: Symbolic victory participation trophy

  12. Loco, ya know they have their group. I am not part. You are not part. They have stated this, that they have a sub-group that communicates among themselves, and anyone that was pro-Cruz is not a part of it. So the have their beenie-wearing-club, just like Google.

  13. Sure Meerkat, can you explain this comment:
    I believe prisons should be prisons and not an all-inclusive resort. The less the better. Have you ever had a relative been murdered?”

    Seriously, how could you write this based on my posts on this thread?

    To me, a prison is where you relinquish your rights.
    You forfeited your freedom because your actions removed other’s freedoms.

    What part of “fuck em feed em fish heads” is unclear?

  14. @Bad_Brad, you fucking idiot, you stated yourself that there was a personal group that communicated outside of this site of first Trump supporters that looked down on Cruz supporters. Do I need to look it up? It was pretty specific?

  15. My late mother had a similar idea. she said take all these convicted murderers and rapists and child molesters instead of putting them in prison. Take them about one hundred miles from the Border with Canada and turn them loose if they make it to Canada on foot they live if they don’t they are coyote chow.


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