Biden is an “avid golfer,” so he says. I’m sure he has some stories of how he eagled a hole, or had 3 birdies in a row, or a hole-in-one. None of it would be true.
This is a horrendous swing. This is the kind of swing that if the boys were on the tee waiting for the fairway to clear and we saw this, we would jump to the second hole.
Were his shorts waving in the wind?
Golf? I always wanted to see him burst into flames.
He swings that club as if he’s never played before. But it’s nothing new:
His clubs are too short, his stance is poor, and he bends his left elbow when he swings. Basically, he sucks at this also.
Tim Conway, “the old man” on The Carol Burnett Show perfected Dementia Joe’s golfing moves years ago. It’s scary Dementia Joe’s is a real feeble old fool allowed to run the country as a fake U.S. President.
He sucks at golf, just like everything else (except corruption), but he’s still better at it than obama.
Bend the knees…roll up on the toes…you got it joey…Like a pro….joe get back here.
and I thought MY swing sucked! At least he still tries. I gave my clubs away in 2020..
He plays better than me, I’ll give him that. But I’ve never swung a golf racket.
Looks like the Wind was over 14 MPH..( That was how hard it was blowing on the
infamous Stair Climb)
Reminds Me of that Old Couple on Cddyshack…”That’s a Peach, Hon!!”
Arno Palmer be’s a piker compairt to me!
I invented the game of golf.
I like to wash his balls!
How come “dr” jill wasn’t there to escort him back to the cart?
OMG, look at those legs! My forearms are more muscular than his calves! And he calls himself a cyclist? I guess that video explains why there are very few videos of shithead golfing. I’m sure the FBI is busy tracking down the photographer.
At Emma
+ 08 hours 05 Mins into the 9th Hour of 2023
11,500 / 9 = $1277.77 per hour
$11,500 / 50 = $230.00 per hour
Which Year and Tax Bracket are you using?
Maybe Joe should try putt putt golf?
I put the “avid golfer” in the same category in “he writes me a lovely poem each Christmas”.
“I Always Wanted To See a Video of Joe Biden Golfing”
…I always wanted to see a video of him hanging from a street lamp, but to each his own…
He’s reached the Brian Williams level of fabulism. Or has Brian Williams reached the Joe Biden level?
Stick legs, no wonder he’s always tipping over.
How soon before we hear that he faced down Tiger Woods, who was a bad dude, but turned his life around by teaching him golf?
He should stick to what he’s best at–corruption and failure.
Who knew that “avid” meant something totally different than what is in the dictionary?
His age & his handicap are the same, so easy to remember, even for joe.
Worst golf swing ever. Just turrible.
Not bad for the captain of every varsity team and All American to boot.
Bag of feces.
JANUARY 1, 2023 AT 9:43 AM
“Who knew that “avid” meant something totally different than what is in the dictionary?”
Words mean what WE say they do.
At any given time.
Never, but never, skip leg day.
He’s a PGA champion.
(Pedophiliacs Gone Amuck)
What did that go? 30 feet?
He’ll be there all day.
Imagine that. The HUMAN TRAFFICKING JOE BIDEN playing “golf”. Shocking.
Pathetic.Now do Skeet shooting Joey. Guess that’s to show us how viral he is. More like feral as in a rabid racoon.
He gives old people (like me) a bad name. Hit the showers with your daughter you sack of crap.